InMobi’s Addressability Gradient: Guiding Advertisers Through the Challenges of Data Privacy


Fueled by InMobi’s ID Graph, the Gradient provides advertisers with an adaptable playbook and visual roadmap for addressability, offering a wide spectrum of options that seamlessly align with changing consumer behaviours.

InMobi unveiled its Addressability Gradient, a platform designed to support marketers throughout the transition from identity-centric targeting to new solutions that have limited consumer identity signals.

The Gradient enables advertisers to navigate the complexities of data privacy, user consent and personalised targeting.

Fueled by InMobi’s ID Graph, the Gradient provides advertisers with an adaptable playbook and visual roadmap for addressability, offering a wide spectrum of options that seamlessly align with changing consumer behaviours.

InMobi’s ID Graph is powered by a portfolio of consented programmatic ecosystem inputs and graph partners that match well with marketer systems and first-party data to enable activation, bid augmentation and measurement across mobile apps, mobile web and connected TV.

“In the evolving landscape of ad tech, the ability to understand audience signals and use them to “In the evolving landscape of ad tech, the ability to understand audience signals and use them to enhance media strategies and creative executions has become increasingly refined; by embracing the Gradient, advertisers can continue to deliver relevant, effective, and privacy-conscious advertising experiences to consumers,” said Todd Rose, Senior Vice-President of Addressability at InMobi. “It empowers them to optimize their campaigns, achieve unparalleled precision, and unlock the full potential of addressability in the ever-changing world of digital advertising.”

From precise ID-based targeting to privacy-conscious ID-less approaches, the Gradient empowers advertisers to personalise content while upholding data privacy and user content. Spanning from personalised 1:1 targeting and household amplification to inventive privacy-compliant techniques like cohort audiences, modelled audiences, contextual targeting and bidstream amplification.

The Gradient also enhances campaigns by integrating a variety of identifiers like mobile advertising identifiers (MAIDs) and interoperability with people-based identifiers including LiveRamp’s RampID. By leveraging the ID Graph, this bid augmentation strategy ensures precise targeting, boosted further by the ID Graph’s connections between users with shared interests. For ID-less solutions, InMobi leverages SDK and contextual signals to broaden addressability without compromising consumer privacy.

“Signal loss is affecting advertisers broadly, whether it’s third-party cookie deprecation on display or ATT on mobile, and LiveRamp’s partnership with InMobi on the Gradient helps to enable the ecosystem to sustainably plan for the future beyond signal loss,” said Sam White, Head of Addressability, Adtech Platforms, LiveRamp. “By integrating our pseudonymous, people-based identifier, RampID, advertisers gain enhanced addressability and access to high-quality authenticated inventory, ensuring their campaigns reach the right audiences and maximize effectiveness.”


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