Janani Porkodi: Mastering the Art of Networking


Janani Porkodi is a name that resonates with the entrepreneurial spirit and the power of effective networking. As the founder of Mystique, Janani Porkodi has not only built a successful business but has also mastered the art of connecting with others in meaningful ways. Her insights into networking, shared through a recent LinkedIn post, provide a valuable guide for anyone looking to enhance their visibility and create impactful connections.

Janani Porkodi begins by drawing a parallel between our school days and adult life. She recalls those moments in school or college when the teacher would ask questions, and most students would avoid eye contact, hoping not to be called upon. Janani Porkodi highlights that this behavior, while common in our youth, is something to be avoided as adults, especially at networking events. Instead, she encourages individuals to seize every opportunity to engage and interact.

Networking, as Janani Porkodi explains, is something most people aspire to do. We want to attend events, meet interesting people, and discuss engaging topics. For many, the goal is to gain visibility for themselves and their products or services. Janani Porkodi emphasizes that visibility is crucial in the business world, and one of the quickest ways to achieve it is by speaking up at events.

One of Janani Porkodi’s key pieces of advice is to take the microphone whenever possible. When speakers at events ask if there are any questions, she urges attendees to use this opportunity to introduce themselves and ask a question. This simple act, she explains, can significantly increase one’s visibility. By taking just 15 seconds to introduce yourself, you make your presence known to everyone in the room, thereby stepping into the spotlight even as a participant.

Janani Porkodi’s networking hack is both practical and powerful. By asking a question, you not only demonstrate your engagement and interest but also position yourself as an active and curious participant. This can open doors to further conversations and connections with speakers and fellow attendees alike. Janani Porkodi’s approach is about being proactive and taking initiative, traits that are essential for effective networking.

The wisdom shared by Janani Porkodi stems from her own experiences as an entrepreneur. Founding Mystique has provided her with numerous opportunities to network and build relationships. Her success is a testament to the effectiveness of her strategies. Janani Porkodi’s advice is rooted in the understanding that networking is not just about attending events but actively participating and making oneself memorable.

Janani Porkodi’s insights also highlight the importance of preparation. Knowing what you want to say and having a question ready can make it easier to seize the moment when the opportunity arises. This level of preparedness reflects confidence and professionalism, qualities that are highly valued in any networking scenario. Janani Porkodi’s approach is a reminder that networking is a skill that can be developed and honed over time.

Another important aspect of Janani Porkodi’s networking philosophy is the emphasis on genuine engagement. Asking a question should not just be about visibility but also about genuine curiosity and a desire to learn. This authenticity can help in building meaningful connections that go beyond superficial interactions. Janani Porkodi’s approach is about creating a lasting impact through genuine and thoughtful engagement.

Janani Porkodi’s success with Mystique is a reflection of her ability to connect with others and build a strong network. Her journey as an entrepreneur has been marked by her willingness to step out of her comfort zone and actively engage with others. The lessons she shares are invaluable for anyone looking to improve their networking skills and achieve greater visibility in their professional lives.

Janani Porkodi’s advice on networking is both inspiring and practical. Her emphasis on speaking up, being prepared, and engaging genuinely offers a clear path to effective networking. As the founder of Mystique, Janani Porkodi has demonstrated the power of these strategies in her own career. Her insights remind us that networking is not just about being present but about making your presence felt. By following Janani Porkodi’s advice, anyone can enhance their visibility, build meaningful connections, and create lasting impacts in their professional journeys.


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