Jesse Futia: Lessons from a Decade of Growth


Jesse Futia, the COO of CRE Digital, has a wealth of wisdom to share from his experiences in his 20s. His journey is marked by invaluable lessons that have shaped his path and prepared him for a future of significant success. In a recent LinkedIn post, Jesse Futia outlined seven brutal lessons he learned in his 20s that he believes will pave the way for an eight-figure income in his 30s and 40s. His reflections offer profound insights into personal and professional growth, making his experiences a valuable guide for others.

Jesse Futia starts by emphasizing a harsh truth: no one owes you anything. This realization is crucial for anyone embarking on a career or entrepreneurial journey. Jesse Futia learned early on that relying on others for opportunities or success is futile. Instead, he advocates for taking full responsibility for one’s own path, a mindset that fosters independence and resilience.

The second lesson Jesse Futia shares is the importance of not depending on a paycheck. This advice speaks to the necessity of building multiple streams of income and creating financial security. Jesse Futia’s experiences taught him the volatility of traditional employment and the benefits of entrepreneurial ventures and investments. By diversifying his income sources, Jesse Futia has built a more stable and prosperous future.

Time, as Jesse Futia points out, is the most valuable asset. This lesson underscores the need to prioritize effectively and use time wisely. Jesse Futia learned to value his time above all else, recognizing that it is a finite resource that, once spent, cannot be reclaimed. This perspective has driven him to focus on activities that yield the highest returns, both personally and professionally.

Self-care is not selfish; it is essential, Jesse Futia asserts. In the hustle and bustle of building a career or business, it is easy to neglect personal well-being. However, Jesse Futia’s experiences have taught him the importance of maintaining physical and mental health. By prioritizing self-care, he ensures he can perform at his best and sustain his efforts over the long term.

Another critical lesson from Jesse Futia is to work really hard, but not to the point of burnout. He emphasizes the importance of a strong work ethic while also recognizing the dangers of overworking. Jesse Futia has learned to balance intense effort with adequate rest and recovery, ensuring that he remains productive and motivated without sacrificing his health.

Jesse Futia believes that one’s goals cannot solely be about money; they must be higher. This lesson reflects a deeper understanding of purpose and fulfillment. Jesse Futia’s journey has shown him that while financial success is important, it should not be the ultimate aim. Instead, he strives for goals that contribute to personal growth, make a positive impact, and bring lasting satisfaction.

Failure, according to Jesse Futia, is not the end but a chance to learn and grow. This lesson encapsulates his approach to challenges and setbacks. Throughout his 20s, Jesse Futia encountered numerous failures, but he viewed each as an opportunity to gain insights and improve. This growth mindset has been instrumental in his development and success.

Jesse Futia describes his 20s as painful, filled with lots of mistakes. However, he draws a powerful analogy from his father’s saying in karate: “Sweat in the dojo, so you don’t bleed in the streets.” Jesse Futia’s version, “Sweat in your 20s so you don’t work till your 60s,” highlights the importance of enduring struggles and learning lessons early on to secure a more prosperous and fulfilling future.

The lessons Jesse Futia has learned are not just about business; they are about life. His experiences have taught him resilience, adaptability, and the importance of a balanced approach to work and personal well-being. Jesse Futia’s journey is a testament to the power of persistence and the value of learning from one’s failures.

For those who follow Jesse Futia’s advice, the takeaway is clear: embrace the challenges of your early career, learn from your mistakes, and prioritize what truly matters. By doing so, you can build a foundation for long-term success and fulfillment.

Jesse Futia’s reflections offer a roadmap for others to follow. His wisdom, gained through years of trial and error, serves as a guide for aspiring entrepreneurs and professionals. By adopting his lessons, individuals can navigate their own paths with greater clarity and confidence, ultimately achieving their goals and finding deeper satisfaction in their endeavors.

Jesse Futia’s journey from his 20s to his current role as COO of CRE Digital is marked by hard-earned lessons and profound insights. His experiences teach us the importance of taking responsibility, valuing time, prioritizing self-care, and maintaining a higher purpose. Jesse Futia’s story is an inspiring example of how embracing failures and learning from them can lead to remarkable success. As he continues to share his wisdom, Jesse Futia’s impact on the business world and beyond will undoubtedly grow, inspiring others to pursue their dreams with determination and resilience.


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