Jitesh Mogli: Transforming Education for a Better Tomorrow

Jitesh Mogli Audience Reports

Jitesh Mogli, a 360° Human Excellence Coach, Chief Fitness Architect, Wellbeing Transformer, Speaker, and Writer, is on a mission to revolutionize education and uplift communities through his impactful work with Valmiki Foundation – India. Through his role as a Well-Being consultant, Jitesh Mogli is contributing to the development of essential education programs that nurture wisdom and empower children adopted by Valmiki Foundation – India.

Valmiki Foundation – India, an active contributing NGO, is dedicated to building better education prospects and skill sets for young minds, ensuring they have the tools they need to thrive and contribute positively to their communities. Jitesh Mogli’s involvement in this initiative highlights his commitment to creating a brighter future for these children and fostering a culture of self-help and community development.

As part of his consulting project, Jitesh Mogli is collaborating with Valmiki Group to initiate various CSR activities aimed at enriching the lives of children through innovative and meaningful contributions. By partnering with corporate organizations, he aims to leverage collective resources and expertise to make a lasting impact on the community’s wellbeing and education landscape.

The vision and leadership of individuals like Surya Ganesh Valmiki and VALMIKI HARI KISHAN have been instrumental in establishing a value-based institution and school of thought that prioritizes the holistic development of children. Their inspiring initiative aligns with Jitesh Mogli’s own philosophy of seeking consistent inspiration and creating positive ripples in the world.

In the words of Mother Teresa, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” Jitesh Mogli embodies this spirit of making a difference one step at a time, recognizing the collective power of small actions to bring about meaningful change.

Through his work with Valmiki Foundation – India, Jitesh Mogli is not only transforming education but also nurturing a sense of purpose and possibility among young minds. By providing them with essential education and life skills, he is empowering them to become active participants in building a progressive and inclusive society.

Jitesh Mogli’s dedication to transforming education for the better reflects his commitment to creating a brighter future for generations to come. Through his collaboration with Valmiki Foundation – India and his advocacy for meaningful CSR initiatives, he is paving the way for a more equitable and empowered community. As he continues to inspire and uplift others, Jitesh Mogli serves as a beacon of hope and positive change in the field of education and community development.


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