Josh Gardner: Building Brands in China with Humility and Curiosity


Josh Gardner is a name synonymous with innovation and success in the realm of brand building in China. As the CEO of Kung Fu Data, Josh Gardner has demonstrated that true leadership is not about being the smartest person in the room, but about surrounding oneself with smarter, more experienced individuals and embracing continuous learning. Josh Gardner’s journey offers valuable lessons on the importance of humility, curiosity, and the willingness to learn from every interaction.

Josh Gardner begins his story with a powerful admission: “I’ll never be the smartest person in the room… and this may be the single most important contributor to my success.” This statement encapsulates the essence of his leadership philosophy. Despite having done well academically and running successful businesses throughout his adult life, Josh Gardner recognizes that there are countless others who possess knowledge and expertise beyond his own. This realization has fueled his commitment to learning and growth, propelling him further than any formal education ever could.

In the early stages of his career, Josh Gardner learned the value of humility. He discovered that acknowledging the limitations of his own knowledge and being open to learning from others could unlock immense potential. This mindset has been instrumental in his success as the CEO of Kung Fu Data. By surrounding himself with people who are smarter and more seasoned, Josh Gardner has been able to leverage their wisdom and experience to drive his business forward.

Josh Gardner emphasizes the importance of organizations like Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) and YPO in connecting him with individuals who have enriched his journey. These networks have provided him with access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise, enabling him to learn from the best in the industry. However, Josh Gardner’s commitment to learning extends beyond formal networks. He remains curious and open-minded in every interaction, whether it’s with a cab driver, his teenage daughter, or a team member. Each interaction presents an opportunity to gain new perspectives and insights.

Josh Gardner’s approach to leadership is characterized by his willingness to listen and learn from others. He shares an anecdote about receiving fashion advice from his teenage daughter, highlighting his openness to ideas from all sources. This anecdote underscores the importance of being receptive to insights, regardless of their origin. For Josh Gardner, being curious and open-minded is not just a leadership strategy; it’s a way of life.

One of the most profound lessons Josh Gardner has learned is the transformative power of listening. By valuing the input and suggestions of his team, he has been able to foster a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement at Kung Fu Data. This culture has been a game changer, driving innovation and success. Josh Gardner believes that the most important thing he has learned from others is the value of diverse perspectives and the impact they can have on personal and professional growth.

Reflecting on his journey, Josh Gardner poses a question to his audience: “Now I want to know… What’s the most important thing YOU have learned from others?” This question invites readers to reflect on their own experiences and the lessons they have gained from others. It also reinforces the idea that learning is a lifelong journey, one that is enriched by the wisdom and experiences of those around us.

Josh Gardner’s story is a powerful reminder that true leadership is not about being the smartest person in the room, but about being humble, curious, and willing to learn from others. His success as the CEO of Kung Fu Data is a testament to the power of this approach. By surrounding himself with smarter, more experienced individuals and remaining open to new ideas and perspectives, Josh Gardner has built a thriving business and a culture of continuous improvement.

Josh Gardner’s journey offers valuable insights for aspiring leaders and entrepreneurs. His emphasis on humility, curiosity, and the willingness to learn from every interaction serves as a blueprint for success. As Josh Gardner continues to build brands in China and drive innovation at Kung Fu Data, his story stands as an inspiration to all who seek to lead with humility and an open mind. By embracing the lessons of others and fostering a culture of learning, we too can achieve great things and make a lasting impact.


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