Leo Burnett’s Musical Campaign for Ikea India Infuses Festive Vibes into Home Styling

Leo Burnett's Musical Campaign for Ikea India Infuses Festive Vibes into Home Styling

The Ikea ads show existing home elements celebrating the arrival of new additions — the Persbol chair and the Ingatorp table

Ikea has unveiled a new campaign ahead of the festive season highlighting how a little Ikea makes everything new. 

The campaign celebrates the arrival of new additions—the Persbol chair and Ingatorp table. Playing on the element of personification, the ads capture the reaction of the surrounding decor as they groove to song and dance making everything feel new and vibrant. The solution-oriented Ikea products, Persbol chair and the Ingatorp table seamlessly blend with the Indian festive décor, breathing a new life into any living space.

Anna Ohlin, Country Marketing Manager, Ikea India, said, “At Ikea India, we aim to connect with our consumers on a deeper, meaningful level. The ‘All Things Festive’ campaign is a celebration of India’s festive spirit and highlights how little additions to a space add so much comfort, beauty and happiness. Through these unique narratives, rooted in human emotion, we intend to truly bring our brand closer to our customers.”

Pravin Sutar, Head of Creative, Leo Burnett, said, “The build up to Diwali can be pretty overwhelming for people. All that you see brands say is” buy more, buy a lot… The more you buy, the happier you are, etc. Just buy, buy, buy!” This narrative didn’t quite fit into the Ikea scheme of things – and our vision towards sustainability. We flipped the entire festive narrative and designed a campaign that’s about buying less. “A little Ikea makes everything new”. An idea that celebrates the power of Ikea design, and how it can light up a room with less. All this while keeping a fresh way to tell the story as well.”

Ikea film 1: 


Agency – Leo Burnett

Chief Executive Officer and Chief Creative Officer of Leo Burnett, South Asia: Rajdeepak Das

Chief Executive Officer, Leo Burnett, South Asia: Dheeraj Sinha

National Creative Director – Vikram Pandey

Head of Creative: Pravin Sutar

Associate Executive Creative Director:  Jamuna Poovaiah and Sandeep Iyer

Associate Creative Director: Niharika Mishra and Srishty Kamboj

Creative Director, Regional: Uday Kumar

Art Director: Akhil Rajan

Account Management: Senior Vice President: Bhawana Choudhary

Brand Services Partner: Isha Mehta

Brand Services Director: Kritika Bhardwaj

Executive Vice President, Strategy: Mittu Torka

Brand Strategy Director: Vrudhi Doshi

Director: Kishore Iyyar

Production House – Nirvana Films

Producer – Ranjan Bhowmik


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