Loubna Bouarfa: Empowering the Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow


Loubna Bouarfa, a visionary leader and trailblazer in the field of artificial intelligence, recently had the privilege of leading an entrepreneurship workshop at the prestigious Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford. As Chairwoman of the AI Innovation Board at Envision Pharma Group, her journey from founding OKRA.ai to its acquisition and her current role is nothing short of inspiring.

At the workshop, Loubna Bouarfa shared her remarkable journey with the enthusiastic Oxford students, offering insights into the world of startups and the challenges entrepreneurs face. Her journey from ideation to the growth and acquisition of OKRA.ai exemplifies the resilience, determination, and innovative spirit required to succeed in the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship.

The workshop provided a platform for engaging discussions on innovative business models tailored for startups driven by innovation. Loubna Bouarfa, along with Jakob Nordfeldt, delved into the intricacies of entrepreneurship, from the initial stages of ideation to securing funding and scaling the business. Their sessions offered invaluable guidance and mentorship to the aspiring entrepreneurs in attendance.

What truly stood out during the workshop was the depth of curiosity and ambition displayed by the Oxford students. Their eagerness to learn, coupled with their creative thinking and drive, underscored their potential as the entrepreneurs of the future. Loubna Bouarfa was deeply impressed by their enthusiasm and determination to make a positive impact through innovation.

As Chairwoman of the AI Innovation Board at Envision Pharma Group, Loubna Bouarfa is committed to fostering a culture of innovation and driving forward-thinking initiatives within the organization. Her leadership and expertise in artificial intelligence are instrumental in guiding Envision Pharma Group towards the forefront of technological innovation in the pharmaceutical industry.

The workshop at the Oxford Internet Institute served as a testament to Loubna Bouarfa’s dedication to empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs. By sharing her insights and experiences, she inspired the students to dream big and push the boundaries of innovation. Her passion for entrepreneurship and commitment to driving positive change resonated with all those in attendance.

Loubna Bouarfa extends her heartfelt gratitude to the Oxford Internet Institute for hosting such a fantastic event and to all the students who participated. She encourages them to continue dreaming big, embracing challenges, and striving for excellence in their entrepreneurial endeavors.

Loubna Bouarfa’s leadership and mentorship have played a pivotal role in shaping the future of entrepreneurship. Her unwavering dedication to fostering innovation and empowering aspiring entrepreneurs is a testament to her vision and passion for driving positive change in the world. As she continues to inspire and mentor the next generation of innovators, Loubna Bouarfa remains a beacon of hope and inspiration in the world of entrepreneurship.


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