Maharishi Ayurveda Bags Immunity Booster of the Year Award

Maharishi Ayurveda Bags Immunity Booster of the Year Award

Exemplary deeds speak volumes as Maharishi Amrit Kalash has worked wonders in boosting immunity and hence the award

In the face of unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic and the health emergency created, it’s has become more important than ever to have a strong immune system, and more significantly to keep boosting it. As it is perceived – the immune system does an incredible job of protecting us against disease, but sometimes it fails, and we get sick. The idea of boosting your immune health is an enticing one and as per Ayurveda the role of Rasayanas, and in the modern world – it is super Rasayanas, have been pivotal in immunity boosting.

Considering the essence of having an optimally functioning immune system to safeguard against the disease is more important than ever. But how to strengthen immunity naturally through food and nutrition is a big question to ask? To unravel all these apprehensions, India Immunity e-Summit 2020 followed by the Immunity Champions of India Awards were organised by the HEAL Foundation wherein Maharishi Ayurveda bagged Immunity Booster of the Year Award.

The Immunity Booster of the Year Award has been conferred to honour the leaders of nutrition who have done some exemplary work in the field during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has helped boost immunity, thereby helping people to combat the pandemic. This award comes under the organisational category. The organisers had a distinguished panel of jury comprising of experts of national and international repute from across the sectors, who have been recognised for their exemplary contribution to society. They had stringent shortlisting procedure in place and found that the role of Maharishi Amrit Kalash – a super Rasayana has been instrumental in boosting immunity, and hence the award.

Elated on winning the award, said, Mr Anand Shrivastava, Chairman, Maharishi Ayurveda, said,“Of course, we are overwhelmed on getting the award for recognising the efficacy of Rasayana – Amrit Kalash in boosting immunity and awarding it for the same is soothing for us. This is a sort of morale-booster. As per Ayurveda, Rasayana products have the characteristics to increase or decrease some aspect of the bodily processes to create the perfect balance. It can also work in a multi-directional manner to help the bodily processes regain stability and maintain it for the long-term. It has a vital impact on the immune system and the key to prevent any illness. Building immunity and giving a boost to our physical and mental wellbeing is of the utmost importance in these testing times.”

The COVID-19 pandemic has made us realised that how a strong immune system is one of the biggest advantages for humans. The strengthened immune system helps fight infections and reduce the risk of contracting highly contagious diseases. The immune system is responsible for fighting foreign invaders in the body, like pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and also destroy cells within the body when they become cancerous. Thus, the primacy of boosting immunity has increased manifold now.

About Amrit Kalash Maharishi Amrit Kalash is well-known and well-researched Rasayana, with about 80 + researches conducted in renowned institutions around the world, to its credit. This is sold in over 50 countries for the last 35 years. They have created a Global awareness of Immunity boosting measures through Ayurveda and are offering tangible solutions for the same. They also organized a global webinar with the AYUSH MINISTRY in 20 countries worldwide.

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