Mansi Kasliwal: Mastering Discipline in a Motivation-Driven World

Mansi Kasliwal

Mansi Kasliwal’s journey through 2023 offers a profound lesson for all of us navigating the complexities of personal and professional life. In a LinkedIn post that resonates with candor and introspection, Mansi shares her biggest learning of the year: the undeniable power of discipline over motivation. As the Head of Social Initiatives at BYJU’S, a role that demands a delicate balance of creativity and structure, Mansi’s revelation holds weight not just in her life but for anyone seeking to achieve their goals in a world often dominated by the allure of spontaneity.

Discipline, Mansi emphasizes, triumphs over motivation. This insight, drawn from a deliberate shift in her lifestyle post-COVID, reflects a profound realization that echoes far beyond her personal experience. In a society where the pursuit of constant excitement and avoidance of routine are often championed, Mansi’s honesty about the shortcomings of this approach is refreshing. This revelation isn’t just a reflection on her individual journey; it’s a testament to the collective struggle many of us face in finding the right balance between freedom and structure.

In her post, Mansi acknowledges the allure of living without a strict routine, a conscious decision to embrace a free-flowing state of mind and do “as she pleases.” However, the echoes of her rebellious six-year-old self against a high-discipline parenting style and the struggle to meet personal and professional goals throughout the year prompt a crucial reflection. It’s a recognition that while freedom is liberating, it may not always be the key to unlocking our fullest potential.

Mansi’s journey unfolds as a relatable narrative for many who, conditioned to believe that any unproductive moment is a waste of time, find themselves grappling with the paradox of unlimited freedom. Her willingness to share the challenges she faced in meeting her goals serves as an inspiration for those who may be experiencing similar struggles. In a world where authenticity often takes a backseat to curated narratives, Mansi’s vulnerability shines through.

For optimists like Mansi, the new year typically heralds resolutions, promises for the future, and a surge of motivation. However, she chooses a different path this time, one rooted in simplicity. The decision to embrace discipline and return to the comfort of routines, checklists, and trackers is a powerful testament to self-awareness and growth. Mansi’s choice to surrender to her inherent nature as a creature of habit is a bold acknowledgment of the power that discipline brings to the table.

As we embark on our own journeys in the new year, Mansi’s wisdom becomes a guiding light. Her honesty about the extra effort required to adhere to a disciplined approach is a reminder that meaningful accomplishments often demand dedication and consistency. Mansi’s story encourages us to strike a balance between our desire for spontaneity and the structured approach that fuels success.

In her post, Mansi generously shares some tools that have become integral to her disciplined lifestyle. Routinery for routines, Strava for fitness, Trello for task management, Google for calendars and checklists, Realized for digital detox, and Forest for focus and concentration. These tools, handpicked by Mansi, serve as valuable resources for those looking to infuse discipline into their lives.

In conclusion, Mansi Kasliwal’s journey is not just a personal account but a universal lesson in embracing the power of discipline. Her transparency about the struggles faced in the pursuit of a free-flowing lifestyle provides a refreshing perspective in a world often fixated on showcasing success without acknowledging the journey. Mansi’s story is a beacon for those seeking inspiration to forge their paths with resilience, discipline, and an unwavering commitment to personal and professional growth.

In a world that often glorifies the unconventional, Mansi Kasliwal‘s embrace of discipline becomes a rallying call for those who recognize that true liberation often comes from the balance between structure and spontaneity.


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