Marcio Siviero: Navigating Growth and Gratitude at Google”


Marcio Siviero, the Head of Strategic Program Management at Google, recently celebrated his second anniversary with the tech giant. In a reflective LinkedIn post, Marcio shared his top 10 takeaways from this transformative period, offering a candid and insightful perspective on his journey. As a seasoned professional in the ever-evolving landscape of strategic program management, Marcio’s experiences at the forefront of Google’s operations provide valuable insights for those navigating the complexities of the tech industry.

In his post, Marcio Siviero kicks off by commemorating his two-year milestone at Google, expressing both joy and gratitude for the rewarding journey. He acknowledges that, despite the inevitable challenges, the experience has been immensely fulfilling. The celebratory tone sets the stage for a deeper dive into the lessons learned during his second year with the company.

The first takeaway that Marcio highlights is the profound impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the tech landscape. Having gained firsthand experience with the transformative potential of AI, he expresses excitement and inspiration for being at the forefront of this revolutionary wave, especially with Google, a company synonymous with innovation in the field. Throughout the article, Marcio Siviero’s insights underscore the dynamic nature of the tech industry and the necessity for professionals to stay abreast of emerging technologies.

A recurring theme in Marcio’s reflections is the inevitability of change. Having weathered two organizational changes, navigated transitions between three bosses, and faced the cultural shifts following a major layoff, he emphasizes the importance of adaptability. Marcio sees change not as a hindrance but as a catalyst for personal and professional growth. This adaptability is a crucial trait for success in the tech sector, and Marcio Siviero’s journey serves as a testament to its significance.

Acknowledging that the honeymoon phase is over, Marcio Siviero delves into the more nuanced understanding he gained about Google’s complexities and nuances. The initial excitement may have waned, but it has been replaced by a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of the company. This candid acknowledgment provides a balanced view of the corporate landscape, shedding light on the realities that professionals at even the most prestigious organizations face.

Learning emerges as a constant theme in Marcio Siviero’s narrative. He underscores the perpetual nature of learning by diving into new areas of the business, expanding his skill set, and enhancing his expertise. Google’s commitment to continuous learning and development, as highlighted by Marcio, reinforces the importance of staying curious and adaptable in an ever-evolving industry.

One of the most heartening aspects of Marcio Siviero’s post is his emphasis on relationships. The Head of Strategic Program Management underscores the significance of forging strong bonds with colleagues and cross-functional teams. In a world driven by technological advancements, Marcio recognizes the enduring value of collaboration, shared learning, and a sense of community within the workplace.

Marcio expresses deep gratitude for his incredible team at Google, emphasizing the collaborative spirit that defines their work together. His appreciation for their dedication, brilliance, and exceptional collaboration is evident throughout the post. The hashtag #GBOhow, representing Google’s approach to teamwork, becomes a symbol of the synergy within his team.

Embracing diversity is another key takeaway for Marcio Siviero. He highlights the importance of diverse perspectives, celebrating the richness that comes from collaborating with people from different backgrounds. This inclusivity is crucial not only for fostering a healthy work environment but also for driving innovation and growth.

Incorporating feedback as a tool for personal and professional development is a practice that Marcio actively embraces. He views constructive criticism as a pathway to constant improvement and growth, reinforcing the idea that feedback is an essential element in the journey toward excellence.

Beyond the professional realm, Marcio Siviero touches upon the importance of work-life balance. He appreciates Google’s support for a healthy work-life “balance” and shares personal experiences of spending quality time with his family across Asia, Europe, and Latin America. His perspective challenges the conventional notion of work-life balance, asserting that life is paramount, and Google respects this fundamental truth.

In concluding his post, Marcio Siviero expresses gratitude for the opportunities and experiences gained at Google despite the challenges. Looking forward to the next chapter in 2024, he remains optimistic about the future and anticipates another amazing year. Marcio’s resilience, adaptability, and commitment to continuous growth serve as inspiration for professionals navigating their own paths in the tech industry.

Marcio Siviero’s LinkedIn post provides a valuable glimpse into the dynamic world of Google and the tech industry at large. His reflections offer not only insights into the challenges faced by a Head of Strategic Program Management but also timeless lessons for professionals seeking success and fulfillment in their careers. Marcio Siviero’s journey serves as a testament to the ever-changing nature of the tech landscape and the enduring value of adaptability, continuous learning, and genuine collaboration.


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