Margo Waldie: A Bold Leap Into the Future of Logistics


Margo Waldie is no stranger to bold moves. After a successful tenure with NFI, where she helped countless businesses navigate the complexities of logistics and distribution, Margo Waldie is stepping into an exciting new role as Senior Director of Sales at Custom Goods. This isn’t just a job change for her; it’s a deliberate leap into a space where her voice, vision, and expertise will not only be heard but also celebrated. Margo Waldie’s journey is a testament to the courage it takes to embrace change, especially when you know you have the power to make a real difference.

In a recent LinkedIn post, Margo Waldie reflected on the excitement and trepidation that comes with stepping into something new. “Your heart’s pounding, your brain’s racing, and there’s this rush—part excitement, part fear,” she wrote, capturing the exact moment she decided to take the plunge. Margo Waldie stands at the edge of something big, knowing full well that her experience and insights are about to take her and her clients to new heights.

Leaving a role like the one she held at NFI was not easy for Margo Waldie. But as she put it, she was ready for more—ready to have her bold ideas take center stage. At Custom Goods, she’s found a place that values her unique perspective and isn’t afraid to push boundaries. Margo Waldie’s expertise in logistics, drayage, warehousing, and transportation is well-known, but it’s her approach to solving problems that truly sets her apart. “Business as usual just doesn’t cut it anymore,” Margo Waldie says, and she’s determined to deliver bold solutions that move beyond the status quo.

Margo Waldie’s new role isn’t just about applying what she’s learned from her past experiences—it’s about reimagining how businesses operate. Her work in distribution has always been about driving efficiency and increasing profitability for the businesses she partners with. Now, at Custom Goods, Margo Waldie is bringing those lessons forward, applying them in new and creative ways that will redefine the industry’s approach to logistics and supply chains. This isn’t just a fresh start; it’s a calculated evolution, driven by experience and a deep understanding of what it takes to succeed in a fast-moving, competitive landscape.

One of the most exciting aspects of Margo Waldie’s new role is the opportunity to work with Jeff Veenis, whom she describes as a “supply chain mastermind.” Collaboration has always been key to Margo Waldie’s success, and working alongside someone as experienced as Veenis is sure to spark innovative solutions that will benefit their clients. Together, they aim to break down the inefficiencies that plague so many businesses and create streamlined processes that lead to greater profitability.

Margo Waldie is also stepping into the world of private equity, a move she describes as a game-changer. Diving into private equity brings a new layer of complexity and opportunity to her work, allowing her to approach business challenges with fresh perspectives and strategies. For Margo Waldie, this is an exciting frontier—one that will push her to explore new avenues for growth, not just for herself but for the businesses she serves.

But Margo Waldie isn’t walking into this new chapter with her eyes closed. She acknowledges the messiness of fresh starts, understanding that new beginnings aren’t as clean as we sometimes imagine. “You don’t walk into a new opportunity with your old baggage neatly zipped up and stored away,” she writes, highlighting the reality that experience comes with both lessons and scars. However, for Margo Waldie, this is a strength, not a weakness. She steps into her new role armed with the knowledge of where systems fail and how to fix them before they break down again.

What makes Margo Waldie’s approach so refreshing is her refusal to settle for mediocrity. She’s not interested in playing it safe or sticking to tried-and-true methods. Margo Waldie is ready to make real, tangible changes that matter. “No fluff, no playing it safe—just results that matter,” she asserts. This straightforward approach has always been at the heart of her work, and it’s what her clients value most about her. Margo Waldie isn’t just about providing services; she’s about delivering solutions that drive growth and improve the bottom line.

As Margo Waldie embarks on this new chapter, she carries with her the lessons learned from her time at NFI. She knows the value of understanding the cracks in the system, the places where inefficiencies creep in, and how to address them before they become major issues. It’s this ability to foresee problems and take preemptive action that makes Margo Waldie such a formidable force in the world of logistics and supply chain management.

Her new role at Custom Goods marks the beginning of an exciting journey, not just for Margo Waldie, but for the businesses she will help along the way. Her bold moves, combined with a keen understanding of logistics, are poised to make a significant impact on the industry. Margo Waldie’s story is one of growth, resilience, and the unwavering belief that there is always a better way to do things.

In a business world that often shies away from risk, Margo Waldie embraces it. She knows that true innovation comes from stepping outside of your comfort zone, from taking that leap even when you’re unsure of where you’ll land. As Margo Waldie looks to the future, one thing is clear: she’s ready to make serious moves that will redefine the logistics and supply chain landscape. And she’s inviting all of us to watch—and learn—as she does so.


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