Meagan Boson: A Champion for Success and Support


Meagan Boson, the Vice President of Business Performance at Oldcastle, has a unique perspective on success—one that challenges traditional notions of competition and individualism. Her philosophy is centered around the idea that success is not a finite resource, and it’s something that can be shared, celebrated, and achieved by everyone. In her recent post on LinkedIn, Meagan Boson offers an empowering message: “You can succeed, and I can succeed.” It’s a mindset of abundance, where success is earned through persistence, learning, and, most importantly, the support of others.

Meagan Boson’s career at Oldcastle is a testament to her belief in the power of collaboration and celebrating the success of those around her. As she has risen through the ranks, she has made it clear that individual achievements are not what define greatness—it’s the collective growth and progress that truly matter. Her leadership style is rooted in fostering an environment where everyone can thrive, and where cheering for others’ victories is just as important as pursuing one’s own goals.

In her LinkedIn post, Meagan Boson addresses a critical mindset that can hinder success: the belief that someone else’s success diminishes your own. “What if I say you can’t succeed?” she provocatively asks, only to swiftly counter that limiting belief. Meagan Boson explains that in order to succeed, we must move away from this scarcity mentality. Instead, she advocates for an approach where we celebrate the successes of others, knowing that their victories do not take away from our own potential.

The concept of success, as Meagan Boson sees it, is not about immediate gratification. “Success does not come quickly,” she states, reminding us that it is a process—often one that involves failure and setbacks. But rather than viewing failure as an obstacle, Meagan Boson sees it as a crucial part of the journey. “These lessons often derive from failures,” she notes, emphasizing that the most successful people embrace failure as a teacher, understanding that it’s a necessary part of growth.

Meagan Boson’s leadership extends beyond her own achievements. She is passionate about supporting others in their pursuits, whether it’s her peers launching a new product, her team reaching their goals, or her friends sharing their own success stories. “When my peers launch a product—I support them. When my people achieve their goals—I celebrate it. When my friends share their success stories—I honor their accomplishments,” she says. This philosophy of support is central to how Meagan Boson operates as a leader and as a colleague. She doesn’t just cheer from the sidelines; she actively participates in the success of others, recognizing that their achievements are worth celebrating just as much as her own.

As Vice President of Business Performance at Oldcastle, Meagan Boson plays a key role in driving the company’s success. But her focus is not just on metrics and outcomes; it’s on creating a culture where people feel valued and empowered to pursue their goals. She understands that true success is not about individual accolades, but about building a team that thrives together. This mindset is what makes Meagan Boson such an effective leader—she knows that when one person succeeds, the entire team benefits.

One of the most inspiring aspects of Meagan Boson’s approach is her genuine enthusiasm for others’ accomplishments. In a world that often celebrates individual success and competition, Meagan Boson offers a refreshing alternative: a mindset where success is shared, supported, and celebrated collectively. “I relish the winners. They are the ones that embrace Failures,” she says. This statement reflects her belief that success is not just about achieving goals, but about the journey, the lessons learned, and the resilience required to keep moving forward.

Meagan Boson’s philosophy is one that encourages us to rethink our relationship with success. Rather than seeing it as a zero-sum game, where someone else’s win means our loss, she urges us to adopt a mindset of abundance. There is enough success to go around for everyone, she believes, but it requires a “burning obsession” and a willingness to embrace the process, including the failures along the way.

In her post, Meagan Boson also calls on her network to celebrate the wins of those around them. She asks a simple yet powerful question: “Do you also cheer your loved ones?” This call to action is a reminder that success is not just about personal achievement—it’s about lifting others up and celebrating their progress as well. Meagan Boson’s leadership style is not just about setting goals and hitting targets; it’s about creating an environment where people feel supported, appreciated, and encouraged to pursue their own paths to success.

Meagan Boson’s message is clear: success is not something that can be taken away from someone. It’s not a prize that only a few can achieve. Instead, success is a process—a journey filled with learning, growth, and resilience. And most importantly, it’s something that we can all share in together.

Meagan Boson’s philosophy on success is one that champions collaboration, persistence, and support. Her belief that “everyone can be successful” challenges the traditional narrative of competition and scarcity. By embracing failure as part of the process, cheering on others, and relentlessly pursuing our own goals, we can all achieve success—not just individually, but as a collective. Meagan Boson’s approach to leadership and success is not just inspiring; it’s a roadmap for how we can all level up together, creating a culture where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.


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