Mukul Rustagi’s Journey: Breaking Habits, Fostering Culture, and Inspiring Growth


Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and growth, Mukul Rustagi, the dynamic CEO & Co-Founder at Classplus, shares insights into his recent endeavors, challenges, and mindful reflections. Known not just for his leadership in the edtech space but also as the self-proclaimed “Janitor of Culture” and a Forbes 30U30 awardee in ’21, Mukul Rustagi’s recent post serves as an informative and inspirational guide for those navigating the intricate balance of personal habits and professional success.

Mukul Rustagi: Acknowledging Imperfections: Mukul Rustagi begins his narrative with a candid admission of a personal struggle picked up in July 2023—a habit of mindless scrolling on social media platforms. Six months later, in 2024, he endeavors to break free from this habit. This transparency in acknowledging imperfections sets the tone for a relatable and introspective exploration of the challenges many individuals face in the digital age.

The Vicious Cycle of Mindless Scrolling: Mukul Rustagi delves into the detrimental effects of mindless scrolling, describing it as the pursuit of “cheap dopamine.” He vividly captures the frustration that arises from the perpetual search for content that resonates, only to find transient joy that lasts mere seconds. The acknowledgment of this loop, where users keep returning for more dopamine, highlights the addictive nature of social media and its impact on attention spans.

A Plea to Reclaim Time and Attention: In a heartfelt plea, Mukul Rustagi urges readers not to lose the precious years of their lives to the endless loop of mindless scrolling. He emphasizes the potential consequences, particularly the negative impact on attention spans, urging individuals to reconsider their digital habits for a more fulfilling and mindful existence.

Social Media: A Fascinating Tech Product: Mukul Rustagi takes a step back to acknowledge the allure of social media, deeming it “probably the most fascinating tech product ever built.” While recognizing its marvels, he advocates for constructive and moderated use. Drawing a parallel with life’s sweetness and the risks of excess leading to diabetes, Mukul emphasizes the importance of setting limits on social media consumption.

Mukul Rustagi’s Personal Commitment: Daily Screen Time Limits: In a move towards intentional living, Mukul Rustagi shares his commitment to setting daily screen time limits. This personal initiative reflects a conscious effort to regain control over digital consumption, demonstrating leadership not just in the professional sphere but in personal habits as well. This call to action prompts readers to reflect on their own screen time habits.

Tech Productivity: Striking a Balance: Mukul Rustagi expands the discourse beyond personal habits, delving into the broader implications of technology on productivity. He encourages a balanced approach, emphasizing that while social media is a powerful tool, its overuse can have detrimental effects. His perspective aligns with his role in the tech industry, where he understands both the potential and pitfalls of digital engagement.

Forbes 30U30 Recognition: A Testament to Leadership: The mention of Mukul Rustagi’s recognition in Forbes 30U30 in ’21 serves as a testament to his leadership and impact in the business and tech world. This achievement goes beyond personal accolades, symbolizing the innovative and influential approaches he brings to the edtech space, setting a benchmark for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Janitor of Culture: Nurturing a Positive Work Environment: Beyond his role as a CEO, Mukul Rustagi proudly embraces the title of “Janitor of Culture.” This unique designation underscores his commitment to fostering a positive work environment at Classplus. It speaks to a hands-on approach to leadership, where culture is not just a byproduct but a deliberately nurtured aspect of organizational success.

Balancing Tech and Life’s Joys: Mukul Rustagi’s narrative encourages a recalibration of the relationship with technology. While recognizing its significance, he advocates for a balanced approach that prioritizes real-life joys and connections. His insights prompt reflection on the often-overlooked balance between digital engagement and the tangible experiences that make life fulfilling.

Mukul Rustagi’s Call to Mindful Living: In this insightful journey through Mukul Rustagi’s recent post, readers are invited to join him in the quest for mindful living. From breaking personal habits to reevaluating the impact of technology, Mukul’s narrative serves as a guide for those seeking a more intentional and fulfilling existence. As the CEO & Co-Founder at Classplus, Mukul Rustagi not only leads in the professional realm but inspires personal growth, resilience, and a conscious approach to the digital age.


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