Nelle Machiels: Pioneering Excellence in Real Estate, Workplace, and Mobility


Nelle Machiels, the Head of Real Estate, Workplace, and Mobility, stands at the forefront of innovation and excellence in her field. Her recent LinkedIn post celebrates a momentous occasion – the inauguration of the new office location for Sandoz leadership in Hyderabad. This significant milestone not only highlights Nelle Machiels’ exceptional project management skills but also underscores her commitment to creating dynamic and inspiring workspaces that reflect the unique identity of the brand.

Nelle Machiels’ post radiates with pride and satisfaction as she reflects on the successful culmination of the Hyderabad GCC new office project. The convergence of excellent project management skills and innovative office design is a testament to her leadership and dedication. With meticulous attention to detail, Nelle Machiels has overseen every aspect of the project, ensuring that it aligns seamlessly with the company’s vision and values.

The inauguration of the new office location represents more than just a physical space; it is a manifestation of the brand coming alive in Indian style. Nelle Machiels takes pride in seeing the Sandoz brand represented authentically in the design and functionality of the new workspace. By infusing elements of Indian culture and aesthetics, she has created a space that not only meets the practical needs of the team but also fosters a sense of belonging and identity.

Acknowledging the collective effort that went into realizing this achievement, Nelle Machiels extends a heartfelt thank you to Sajith Chomayil, Marco Kreidl, Nicola Niedermühlbichler, and the entire extended team and partners involved in the project. Their dedication, collaboration, and hard work have been instrumental in bringing the vision for the new office location to life.

As Nelle Machiels congratulates Sairam Nair and Vandana Singh on their new home within the Sandoz leadership team, she embodies the spirit of inclusivity and support that defines her leadership approach. By creating a welcoming and inspiring workspace, she empowers her colleagues to thrive and succeed in their roles. Nelle Machiels recognizes the importance of cultivating a positive and supportive work environment, where every team member feels valued and appreciated.

Throughout her career, Nelle Machiels has demonstrated a commitment to excellence and innovation in real estate, workplace, and mobility. Her strategic approach to creating dynamic and functional workspaces reflects her deep understanding of the evolving needs of modern organizations. By leveraging her expertise in project management, design, and mobility solutions, she has positioned herself as a leader in her field.

Nelle Machiels’ dedication to excellence extends beyond the confines of the workplace. She is deeply invested in making a positive impact in her community and beyond. Whether it’s through sustainable initiatives, community engagement programs, or diversity and inclusion efforts, Nelle Machiels is committed to driving meaningful change and creating a better future for all.

As Nelle Machiels looks towards the future, she remains committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation and excellence in real estate, workplace, and mobility. She understands that the way we work and interact with our physical spaces is constantly evolving, and she is dedicated to staying ahead of the curve. By embracing new technologies, trends, and ideas, she ensures that Sandoz leadership remains at the forefront of workplace innovation.

Nelle Machiels’ LinkedIn post is a testament to her visionary leadership and commitment to excellence in real estate, workplace, and mobility. Through her exceptional project management skills, innovative design approach, and dedication to creating inspiring workspaces, she has redefined the way we think about the intersection of work and space. As we celebrate the inauguration of the new office location in Hyderabad, we are reminded of Nelle Machiels’ unwavering dedication to pushing the boundaries of innovation and creating spaces that inspire and empower us all.


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