Pooja Kushwaha: Finding Fulfillment Beyond the Conventional Path


Pooja Kushwaha, Influence Building Coach at Influence Building Hub, has a story that resonates with many. Her journey from working in one of Asia’s top biotech companies to becoming a successful coach is not just about career change; it’s about self-discovery, courage, and the pursuit of genuine happiness. Pooja Kushwaha’s experience offers invaluable lessons for anyone feeling stuck or unfulfilled in their current path.

Pooja Kushwaha once worked in a company that many dream of joining. The perks and the prestige associated with her job were akin to those found in a government organization. It was a place that promised stability and recognition. However, despite the outward trappings of success, Pooja Kushwaha felt an inner dissonance. She realized that she had chosen her career without truly knowing herself, driven by a fear of failure and societal expectations rather than personal passion.

Reflecting on her time at the biotech company, Pooja Kushwaha describes feeling caged and unable to breathe, a sentiment that many who are in the wrong career can relate to. The internal conflict led to a significant dip in her confidence and self-esteem, making her feel worthless. It was a period of intense pressure, but it also taught her valuable lessons about handling stress and working under extreme conditions.

As an NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) practitioner, Pooja Kushwaha later understood why she felt so out of place. She realized that her career choice was entirely mismatched with her psychological needs, which craved freedom, expression, and recognition. This insight was a turning point, leading her to embrace a path that aligned with her true self.

Pooja Kushwaha’s transformation from a biotech professional to an Influence Building Coach is a testament to the importance of aligning one’s career with their psychological and emotional needs. She emphasizes that choosing a career should not be based on family expectations, financial motivations, the desire to prove oneself, or societal pressures. Instead, it should be about finding fulfillment, satisfaction, and happiness – or in spiritual terms, discovering one’s Swadharm or ikigai.

Her journey highlights a crucial learning: the importance of understanding and prioritizing one’s psychological needs in career decisions. This approach not only ensures long-term satisfaction but also leads to genuine success. Pooja Kushwaha’s story encourages others to introspect and understand their true desires before making career choices. She believes that when individuals align their work with their innate preferences, they not only perform better but also lead more fulfilling lives.

Pooja Kushwaha’s experience is a powerful reminder that societal definitions of success do not always equate to personal happiness. Her decision to leave a prestigious job in search of something more meaningful demonstrates immense courage and self-awareness. It also underscores the value of personal fulfillment over societal approval.

Today, as an Influence Building Coach, Pooja Kushwaha helps others navigate similar challenges. Her coaching focuses on helping individuals build personal brands and find careers that resonate with their true selves. She uses her own journey as a foundation to inspire and guide her clients, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and self-discovery.

Pooja Kushwaha’s insights are particularly relevant in today’s fast-paced, success-driven world. Many people find themselves trapped in careers that do not fulfill them, driven by external pressures rather than internal motivations. Pooja Kushwaha’s story is a beacon of hope for those who feel similarly stuck, showing that it is possible to find a path that aligns with one’s true self.

Pooja Kushwaha’s journey from a biotech professional to an Influence Building Coach is a powerful narrative of self-discovery and courage. Her experiences teach us that true success lies in aligning our careers with our psychological needs and passions. Pooja Kushwaha’s story encourages us to look beyond societal expectations and pursue paths that bring genuine happiness and fulfillment. By sharing her journey, Pooja Kushwaha not only inspires others to take courageous steps toward their true calling but also provides practical insights on how to navigate this transformative process. Her message is clear: do not choose a career based on fear or external pressures; choose it based on what truly resonates with your soul. This approach, as Pooja Kushwaha demonstrates, leads to a life of fulfillment, satisfaction, and ultimate success.


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