Poulomi Kar Sengupta: Scaling Peaks in Life and Career with Resilience and Determination


Poulomi Kar Sengupta – a name that echoes with resilience, determination, and a relentless pursuit of excellence in both personal and professional domains. As Senior Manager – HR at Zyeta and a seasoned professional with experiences at COWRKS, Standard Chartered, and Ujjivan, Poulomi Kar Sengupta’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of perseverance and passion.

Poulomi Kar Sengupta’s recent post reflects the essence of her indomitable spirit and zest for life. Conquering a 10K mountain trail run, she not only embraced the physical challenge but also gleaned invaluable life lessons along the way. Beyond the breathtaking views, Poulomi Kar Sengupta discovered profound insights that transcend the trails and resonate deeply with her journey through life.

Resilience emerges as a cornerstone of Poulomi Kar Sengupta’s ethos, both on the trails and in life. Uphill battles, whether on rugged terrain or in professional endeavors, are met with unwavering determination and a steadfast commitment to keep moving forward. Poulomi Kar Sengupta’s resilience serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path to success amidst challenges and obstacles.

Embracing the climb, Poulomi Kar Sengupta finds solace and growth in every uphill stretch. Much like navigating a mountain trail, life’s challenges become opportunities for personal and professional development. Poulomi Kar Sengupta’s willingness to embrace the journey, with all its twists and turns, underscores her capacity to thrive in the face of adversity.

Mind over matter emerges as a recurring theme in Poulomi Kar Sengupta’s journey. Training the mind to push through discomfort, whether during a grueling trail run or in demanding professional situations, cultivates mental resilience that is indispensable in navigating life’s complexities. Poulomi Kar Sengupta’s ability to overcome mental barriers exemplifies her strength of character and determination.

Celebrating small wins is another facet of Poulomi Kar Sengupta’s approach to life and career. In a 10K trail, each checkpoint is a victory to be cherished. Similarly, Poulomi Kar Sengupta understands the importance of acknowledging and celebrating small achievements in professional endeavors, fueling motivation and fostering a positive mindset.

Team spirit holds immense significance in Poulomi Kar Sengupta’s journey, both on the trails and in the workplace. The camaraderie experienced during a mountain trail run serves as a poignant reminder that success is sweeter when shared. Poulomi Kar Sengupta values collaboration, support, and the collective pursuit of goals, recognizing the transformative power of teamwork in achieving shared objectives.

Grateful for the physical and mental challenges encountered during her mountain trail run, Poulomi Kar Sengupta emerges stronger, more resilient, and ready to conquer new summits, both on and off the trails. Her journey serves as an inspiration to others, embodying the transformative power of resilience, determination, and a relentless pursuit of excellence in every endeavor.

Poulomi Kar Sengupta’s journey exemplifies the transformative power of resilience, determination, and a steadfast commitment to personal and professional growth. As she scales new peaks in life and career, Poulomi Kar Sengupta continues to inspire others with her indomitable spirit, unwavering determination, and relentless pursuit of excellence.


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