Prasoon Gupta: Why Sunlight Matters More Than Fancy Offices


Prasoon Gupta, co-founder of Sattviko,, and FoodYoga, has a refreshing perspective on the modern workplace that challenges conventional wisdom. In his recent LinkedIn post, Prasoon Gupta asserts that fancy offices with high-end furniture and designer interiors are not as crucial as they might seem. Instead, he argues that natural sunlight plays a far more significant role in enhancing the well-being and productivity of employees. This belief has shaped the approach Prasoon Gupta and his team took when designing their factory in Udaipur.

Prasoon Gupta’s philosophy is grounded in the idea that while aesthetic features of an office might impress at first glance, they do little to improve the day-to-day experience of employees. Prasoon Gupta emphasizes that the true essence of a productive and enjoyable work environment lies in simpler, more fundamental aspects, such as the presence of natural sunlight. This insight guided the design choices for the Sattviko factory, where the focus was not on flashy decor but on creating a space that supports the health and happiness of its people.

When Prasoon Gupta and his team were planning their Udaipur facility, they made a conscious decision to prioritize natural light over luxury furnishings. They understood that an environment bathed in sunlight could significantly impact the mood and energy levels of their workforce. This decision was not just about aesthetic preference but a deliberate effort to foster a more vibrant and positive workplace culture.

Prasoon Gupta’s approach highlights an important lesson: the well-being of employees should be at the forefront of workplace design. The Sattviko factory’s layout reflects this principle. By incorporating large windows and designing spaces that maximize sunlight exposure, Prasoon Gupta and his team have created an environment where employees feel more connected to their surroundings. As Prasoon Gupta points out, the results have been remarkable. The office rarely needs artificial lighting until the late evening, and employees benefit from a constant influx of natural light throughout their workday.

The impact of this design choice extends beyond just improved visibility. According to Prasoon Gupta, the presence of sunlight has had a tangible effect on the mood and energy levels of the Sattviko team. Employees are happier, more energetic, and more inclined to smile and engage with one another. This positive shift in workplace atmosphere underscores the value of Prasoon Gupta’s approach to office design. It’s not just about the physical space; it’s about creating an environment that nurtures the well-being of those who work there.

Prasoon Gupta also highlights the health benefits associated with exposure to natural light. Sunlight is a crucial source of Vitamin D, which is essential for maintaining overall health. By prioritizing natural light in the design of their factory, Prasoon Gupta and his team are not only enhancing their employees’ productivity but also contributing to their physical health. This focus on holistic well-being reflects a broader commitment to creating a work environment that supports both professional and personal growth.

The experience at Sattviko serves as a compelling example of how rethinking traditional office design can lead to significant improvements in employee satisfaction and performance. Prasoon Gupta’s decision to focus on natural light rather than luxury furnishings challenges the notion that a glamorous office is the key to success. Instead, it reinforces the idea that the best workplaces are those that genuinely cater to the needs and well-being of their employees.

Prasoon Gupta’s insights into office design offer valuable lessons for other organizations. The emphasis on sunlight over superficial aesthetics demonstrates that creating a positive work environment does not require extravagant investments. Simple, thoughtful design choices can have a profound impact on employee morale and productivity. By prioritizing natural light, Prasoon Gupta has shown that it is possible to build a thriving workplace without relying on costly decor or high-end amenities.

Prasoon Gupta’s approach is particularly relevant in today’s business landscape, where companies are increasingly recognizing the importance of employee well-being. As organizations strive to create environments that support mental and physical health, the example set by Prasoon Gupta and Sattviko offers a practical and effective model. It serves as a reminder that sometimes, the most impactful changes are those that address fundamental aspects of the workplace experience.

Prasoon Gupta’s perspective on office design challenges conventional thinking and underscores the importance of focusing on what truly matters for employees. By prioritizing natural light over flashy furnishings, Prasoon Gupta and his team have created a work environment that enhances well-being, boosts energy levels, and fosters a positive workplace culture. As more companies look to improve their workspaces, Prasoon Gupta’s approach provides a valuable example of how simple design choices can lead to meaningful improvements in employee satisfaction and performance.


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