Priyadarshni Bishnoi: Embracing Entrepreneurship with Strategy and Courage


Priyadarshni Bishnoi is the Founder and CEO of Shivaya Soulutions, where she has carved out a niche as a lead generation specialist. Her journey from the corporate world to successful entrepreneurship is a story of bold decisions, strategic planning, and unwavering belief in personal freedom and creativity. In a recent LinkedIn post, Priyadarshni Bishnoi shared her inspiring transition and the valuable lessons she learned along the way.

Priyadarshni Bishnoi began by recounting her five-year tenure in the corporate world, a period that ultimately led to a profound realization about her professional aspirations. “I lasted in the corporate world for 5 years,” she wrote, candidly acknowledging her decision to quit her job earlier this year. This bold move was driven by a deep-seated dissatisfaction with the constraints of corporate life. Priyadarshni Bishnoi quickly realized that she was not suited for a traditional 9-to-5 job. The routine of being told what to do, having restrictions on her creativity, and the daily grind of commuting were all aspects of corporate life that she found stifling.

Her decision to leave the corporate world was not made on a whim. Priyadarshni Bishnoi had a clear vision of what she wanted to achieve and a plan to make it happen. She began by developing a side hustle, which she quietly grew until it was sustainable. This careful planning and strategic approach allowed her to transition smoothly into full-time entrepreneurship. By ensuring that her side business could support her financially before she left her corporate job, Priyadarshni Bishnoi mitigated the risks associated with such a significant career change.

One of the most compelling aspects of Priyadarshni Bishnoi’s journey is her emphasis on the importance of having a safety net. “Take the risk, but have a safety net,” she advised. This piece of advice is crucial for anyone considering a similar leap into entrepreneurship. It’s easy to romanticize the idea of starting your own business, but without a solid plan and a safety net, it can quickly turn into a disaster. Priyadarshni Bishnoi’s experience underscores the importance of strategic planning and calculated risks in achieving entrepreneurial success.

Now, as the owner of her own agency, Priyadarshni Bishnoi enjoys a level of freedom and creativity that was impossible in her corporate role. She starts her day on her own terms, waking up early to work out, chill, read, and then dive into her work. While she still works long hours, the difference is that it’s her work, her passion, and her vision. This autonomy and ownership over her work have made all the difference. “Your creativity and freedom are worth the effort,” she asserts, highlighting the intrinsic rewards of entrepreneurship.

Priyadarshni Bishnoi also shares her future aspirations, which include the goal of working just three hours a day. This ambition reflects her belief in continuous growth and efficiency. While it might seem like a distant dream to some, her track record of strategic planning and execution suggests that it’s well within her reach. “Yes, I dream of working just 3 hours a day. And yes, that’s going to happen. Sooner than you think,” she confidently states.

The journey of Priyadarshni Bishnoi is a testament to the power of self-belief and strategic risk-taking. She advises aspiring entrepreneurs to start small, build smart, and only leap when ready. This methodical approach ensures that when you take the plunge, you are prepared for the challenges ahead. “Bet on yourself, but don’t gamble with your future,” she cautions, emphasizing the importance of calculated risks over reckless decisions.

Priyadarshni Bishnoi’s story is not just about professional success but also about personal fulfillment. By taking control of her career, she has created a life that aligns with her values and passions. Her experience is a powerful reminder that the best journeys start with bold steps and solid plans. “The best journeys start with bold steps and solid plans,” she writes, encapsulating the essence of her message.

Priyadarshni Bishnoi’s transition from the corporate world to entrepreneurship offers invaluable lessons for anyone considering a similar path. Her story highlights the importance of strategic planning, the courage to take risks, and the pursuit of personal freedom and creativity. As the Founder and CEO of Shivaya Soulutions, Priyadarshni Bishnoi continues to inspire others to bet on themselves, start small, build smart, and take the plunge when ready. Her journey is a testament to the transformative power of entrepreneurship and the rewards of following one’s passion with determination and foresight.


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