Rajat Vashishta: Perseverance Shaping the Future of Talent Positioning


Rajat Vashishta, the Founder of Resumod, embodies the spirit of perseverance. His journey from a high-achieving student to a successful entrepreneur is a testament to his unwavering determination and resilience. Rajat Vashishta’s story is not just about business success; it’s about the power of perseverance and the lessons learned along the way.

Rajat Vashishta’s early life was marked by academic excellence. As a student, he consistently achieved high grades, eventually securing a place at a prestigious engineering college. After graduation, Rajat Vashishta landed a coveted job as a software engineer, and life seemed to be on a perfect trajectory. However, in 2010, Rajat Vashishta felt the pull of entrepreneurship, inspired by the success stories of companies like Flipkart and Zomato. This decision marked the beginning of a challenging yet transformative journey.

Rajat Vashishta embarked on his entrepreneurial path with high hopes, launching three startups: two in education and one in e-commerce. Despite his best efforts, all three ventures struggled to gain traction. By 2011, Rajat Vashishta had quit his stable job and was living on instant noodles, far from the success story he had envisioned. Yet, this period of struggle became a turning point for him.

In 2011, Rajat Vashishta founded Get Set Resumes, giving himself a six-month ultimatum to make the business work. His perseverance paid off when he secured his first B2B client, setting the stage for a slow but steady climb. Rajat Vashishta’s journey with Get Set Resumes spanned seven years, during which he built a dedicated team of 20 and honed his skills in professional resume and CV writing.

Rajat Vashishta’s perseverance was further tested in 2018 when he launched Resumod, a platform offering resume services at an incredibly low price of just ₹29 per customer. This move was a bold testament to his belief in accessible, quality services for all. It wasn’t quick or easy, but Rajat Vashishta’s commitment to his vision ensured that Resumod steadily gained traction, helping countless individuals position themselves effectively in the job market.

Reflecting on his journey, Rajat Vashishta shares several key lessons he learned through perseverance:

Success Takes Time: Rajat Vashishta emphasizes that success is rarely achieved overnight. It requires patience, consistent effort, and the ability to keep going despite setbacks.

Adaptability: One of the most critical aspects of perseverance is the willingness to change ideas that aren’t working. Rajat Vashishta’s ability to pivot and adapt was crucial to his eventual success.

Slow and Steady Growth: Building a lasting business often means growing slowly but steadily. Rajat Vashishta’s journey with Get Set Resumes and Resumod exemplifies this approach, focusing on long-term sustainability over short-term gains.

Rajat Vashishta’s story is a powerful reminder that perseverance is an underrated yet essential quality for any entrepreneur. It’s not just about how fast you achieve success but how long you can sustain your efforts and what you learn along the way. Rajat Vashishta’s journey from struggling startups to leading a successful business in talent positioning is a testament to the power of perseverance.

His experience with Get Set Resumes and Resumod has also provided Rajat Vashishta with valuable insights into the recruitment and resume writing industry. He has worked with a diverse range of clients, helping them present their skills and experiences in the best possible light. This expertise has positioned Rajat Vashishta as a thought leader in the field of talent positioning.

As Rajat Vashishta continues to shape the future of talent positioning through Resumod, he remains committed to the values that have guided his journey: perseverance, adaptability, and a focus on long-term growth. His story inspires aspiring entrepreneurs to stay the course, adapt when necessary, and believe in the power of perseverance.

Rajat Vashishta’s journey is a beacon of hope for those who face struggles and setbacks in their entrepreneurial pursuits. His story underscores the importance of perseverance in achieving long-term success. By sharing his experiences, Rajat Vashishta encourages others to embrace their challenges, learn from their failures, and keep moving forward. His journey with Resumod is a testament to the impact that perseverance can have, not just on an individual’s career but on the lives of those they touch through their work.


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