Rajsree Sehanobis: Redefining Talent Acquisition Beyond Degrees

Rajsree Sehanobis

Rajsree Sehanobis, the Head of Talent Acquisition at Property Pistol, recently shared a thought-provoking post on her LinkedIn profile that challenges the conventional wisdom surrounding degrees and skills in the hiring process. In a world often fixated on prestigious university names and academic qualifications, Rajsree’s experience during an interview session served as a catalyst for a broader conversation. The post not only underscores the importance of skills over degrees but also advocates for a shift in the hiring paradigm towards individuals who focus on practical learning and continuous growth.

Rajsree begins her post by recounting a recent interview session that left a lasting impression on her perspective. Amidst candidates flaunting degrees from renowned universities, one individual stood out—a candidate without a college degree. The revelation prompted Rajsree to delve deeper into the candidate’s background during the interview. The candidate’s response, “I learned through online courses and real-life work, not in a traditional classroom,” opened a door to a different narrative surrounding education and skills.

Intrigued by the candidate’s unconventional approach to learning, Rajsree questioned how he acquired such extensive knowledge without a degree. The candidate’s response encapsulated a philosophy centered on practicality and application: “I focus on learning things that I can really use at work. I learn by doing, not just studying.” This revelation became a pivotal moment, challenging Rajsree’s preconceptions and prompting a reevaluation of the traditional metrics used in talent acquisition.

The heart of Rajsree’s post lies in the reflection prompted by this encounter. The realization that someone without a formal degree possessed exceptional skills and knowledge, acquired through hands-on experience and online courses, prompted Rajsree to advocate for a paradigm shift in hiring practices. The crux of her message is clear: managers should not merely focus on degrees but should evaluate candidates based on their skills, eagerness to learn, and real-world application of knowledge.

Rajsree, as a seasoned talent acquisition professional, extends her call for a new approach to hiring to other managers. She advocates for a departure from the traditional emphasis on degrees and encourages a deeper exploration of the skills individuals bring to the table. The post serves as a rallying cry for a more inclusive and progressive hiring mindset—one that recognizes the diverse pathways individuals take to acquire skills and knowledge.

The post also serves as an empowering message to job seekers. Rajsree reassures those without conventional degrees that their skills and the manner in which they approach learning and growth are equally significant. The emphasis is on the value of practical, applicable skills gained through experience and online courses—a nod to the evolving landscape of education and professional development.

Throughout the post, Rajsree Sehanobis appears as a voice of reason, challenging the status quo and urging her peers to reconsider their hiring criteria. By using her name consistently, the post reinforces Rajsree’s authority on the subject, highlighting her expertise in talent acquisition and her commitment to reshaping the narrative surrounding qualifications and skills.

In conclusion, Rajsree Sehanobis’s LinkedIn post serves as a catalyst for change in the world of talent acquisition. Her experience in the interview room sparks a crucial conversation about the relevance of degrees in evaluating an individual’s potential contribution to a team or organization. By advocating for a more skills-focused approach, Rajsree positions herself as a forward-thinking professional, challenging industry norms and promoting a hiring landscape that values practical knowledge and continuous learning. As the post resonates with managers and job seekers alike, it becomes a beacon for a more inclusive, dynamic, and forward-looking future in the realm of talent acquisition.


  1. This article beautifully encapsulates the transformative journey of education in India, shedding light on the dynamic shifts and innovative approaches shaping the learning landscape. As we navigate towards a future where education is more than just rote learning, it’s inspiring to see how initiatives like “Exemplary Educational Facilities in Haralur Area” are setting a new standard of excellence. This serves as a testament to the power of community-driven education, fostering holistic development and nurturing young minds to become tomorrow’s leaders. Kudos to the visionaries and educators pioneering this change!


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