Ranjith Kumar M: Finding Balance Beyond the Boardroom


In a world dominated by boardroom meetings and digital strategies, it’s refreshing to come across individuals like Ranjith Kumar M, who seamlessly blend their corporate roles with their passions outside the office. As the Head of Marketing, Digital, and E-Commerce at Air India Express, with a rich professional background spanning companies like AirAsia and CavinKare, Ranjith Kumar M is no stranger to the fast-paced world of business. However, what sets him apart is his unwavering commitment to maintaining balance in his life, both professionally and personally.

Ranjith Kumar M, a name synonymous with expertise in direct-to-consumer (D2C) strategies and the custodianship of airindiaexpress.com and the Air India Express Mobile App, is not just a marketing maven but also a fervent advocate for finding solace beyond the confines of the corporate world. In his recent LinkedIn post, he provides a glimpse into his life outside the office, revealing a side of him that is deeply connected to nature and the simple joys of farming.

“Most of my weekends are sorted,” Ranjith Kumar M begins, hinting at a life that transcends the hustle and bustle of marketing campaigns and digital analytics. His weekends, instead of being consumed by numbers and brainstorming sessions, are dedicated to a different kind of productivity – one that involves nurturing the land and reaping the rewards of his agricultural endeavors.

The mention of his farm, managed by relatives in his absence, paints a picture of a tranquil retreat where Ranjith Kumar M finds respite from the chaos of his professional life. Here, amidst the sprawling greenery and the scent of spices and vegetables, he discovers a sense of peace that eludes him in the corporate arena.

Ranjith Kumar M’s journey into farming is not merely a recent hobby sparked by the pandemic-induced lockdown. It is a continuation of a childhood immersed in the agricultural traditions passed down by his parents. However, it was during the lockdown that he truly embraced farming as more than just a pastime. It became a passion – a source of joy and fulfillment that transcended the confines of his professional obligations.

“In this cutthroat world, we all need a let out,” Ranjith Kumar M asserts, highlighting the importance of having a secondary outlet that offers respite from the demands of one’s primary profession. While his expertise lies in the realm of MarTech and digital innovation, he acknowledges the invaluable role that farming plays in keeping him grounded and sane amidst the relentless pursuit of corporate success.

The juxtaposition of his professional achievements with his passion for farming serves as a reminder that true fulfillment lies not in the relentless pursuit of career milestones but in the pursuit of holistic well-being. For Ranjith Kumar M, farming is not just a hobby or a weekend retreat; it is a vital component of his identity – a testament to his commitment to living a balanced and fulfilling life.

“So, I know what I’m going to do in the weekend. How about you?” Ranjith Kumar M concludes, inviting his audience to reflect on their own pursuits outside the realm of work. His words resonate not just as a reminder to find balance in our lives but also as a testament to the transformative power of embracing our passions wholeheartedly.

In a world where success is often equated with professional achievements and material wealth, Ranjith Kumar M stands as a beacon of authenticity – a reminder that true fulfillment lies in nurturing the passions that bring us joy and solace, even amidst the chaos of corporate life.

As we navigate the complexities of modern-day existence, let us draw inspiration from Ranjith Kumar M’s journey – a journey that reminds us of the importance of finding balance, pursuing our passions, and embracing the simple joys that make life worth living.


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