Reena Anand: Embracing Challenges to Inspire Change


Reena Anand is an award-winning global speaker renowned for her insightful talks on neurodiversity. Her journey, marked by resilience and determination, serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for many.

Reena Anand’s philosophy is encapsulated in her mantra, “I can do hard things.” This simple yet profound statement has guided her through various challenges, shaping her approach to life. Reena Anand’s story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of embracing new experiences, even when they seem daunting.

In August 2001, after eight years of rigorous training, Reena Anand made her debut in Bharatanatyam, one of the oldest classical dance forms originating from the temples of Tamil Nadu, South India. This achievement was a culmination of years of dedication and hard work. However, for the next 23 years, Reena Anand did not dance publicly. Life’s responsibilities, including her career, marriage, and raising children, took precedence. Then, in 2019, a significant health challenge emerged—a tumour was removed from her left knee, drastically reducing her range of movement. Dancing seemed like a distant memory, a dream that had slipped away.

Yet, Reena Anand’s indomitable spirit refused to be subdued. A couple of years ago, she discovered a local dance class for students at her level. Initially, her inner voice, driven by self-doubt, whispered, “I can’t do that – it’ll be too hard.” Despite these reservations, Reena Anand decided to take a leap of faith. She joined the class in September and continued to push herself, even when she felt like giving up. Her persistence paid off. Two weeks ago, she performed a 35-minute dance in a public performance. Doubts persisted until the last moment, but she overcame them, buoyed by the encouragement of her dance companions.

The lesson from Reena Anand’s journey is clear and powerful: our minds often try to shield us from failure by discouraging us from trying new things. However, the same mind celebrates our achievements. Recognizing that we can control the volume of our inner voice is liberating. Reena Anand teaches us to dial down negative thoughts and surround ourselves with encouragement from those who genuinely support us.

Reena Anand’s professional journey is equally inspiring. As a speaker and trainer on neurodiversity and the intersection of race and ethnicity, she has made significant contributions to raising awareness and fostering inclusivity. Her talks are not just informative; they are transformative, leaving a lasting impact on her audience. Reena Anand’s ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds and her deep understanding of the challenges faced by neurodiverse individuals make her a sought-after speaker.

For those looking to book a speaker for South Asian Heritage Month, Reena Anand’s message is clear: “Let’s connect. I won’t dance, but I promise to leave your organization truly moved.” Her talks are a blend of personal experiences and professional insights, making them relatable and impactful. Reena Anand’s dedication to her work and her passion for advocating for neurodiversity shine through in every engagement.

Reena Anand’s journey also highlights the importance of mentorship and community support. She emphasizes the need for a supportive network that encourages individuals to pursue their passions and overcome obstacles. Her story is a reminder that while self-doubt can be a formidable barrier, it can be overcome with determination and the right support system.

Reena Anand is more than just an award-winning global speaker; she is a symbol of resilience and empowerment. Her journey from a hesitant dancer to a confident performer, from a professional managing multiple roles to a leading advocate for neurodiversity, is a source of inspiration for many. Reena Anand’s mantra, “I can do hard things,” is not just a personal belief but a universal truth that encourages us all to push beyond our limits and embrace new challenges. Her story is a testament to the power of persistence, the importance of support, and the limitless potential that lies within each of us.

Reena Anand continues to inspire and move audiences around the world, proving that with the right mindset and support, we can indeed do hard things.


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