Riddhi Sharma: Leading with Dharma in the Modern Workplace


Riddhi Sharma, the visionary Founder of BabyOrgano, an Ayurvedic health, wellness, and personal care brand designed for Alpha Generation kids, has always been driven by a deep sense of purpose. When Riddhi Sharma came across a startling statistic—86% of Indian employees feel either ‘struggling’ or ‘suffering’ in their roles—it was a wake-up call that resonated deeply with her. This realization coincided with another finding from an Oxford study, revealing that happy employees are 13% more productive. For Riddhi Sharma, these insights were not just numbers; they were a mandate for change.

Riddhi Sharma understood that to build a successful business, it wasn’t enough to focus solely on products or profits. The well-being of her team at BabyOrgano was just as crucial. As she reflected on this, the ancient wisdom she grew up with began to take on new relevance. Riddhi Sharma, who comes from a family deeply rooted in Hindu traditions, knew that the concept of Dharma—righteousness and duty—could serve as a guiding force in her business journey. The teachings of “The Gita,” which emphasize harmony between one’s job and personal values, became the cornerstone of her leadership approach.

Riddhi Sharma shared her vision with her team, and together they embarked on a journey to integrate Dharma principles into their daily work. The transformation was profound. By aligning their work with these timeless values, the team at BabyOrgano found not only purpose but also peace in what they do. This was not just about improving productivity; it was about creating a work environment where everyone could thrive.

One of the key Dharma principles that Riddhi Sharma emphasized was truthfulness. For Riddhi Sharma, being honest and transparent was essential to building trust—whether with clients, partners, or among team members. This commitment to truthfulness nurtured strong relationships within the team and encouraged open communication, laying the foundation for a culture of integrity.

Mutual respect was another pillar of the Dharma-based approach at BabyOrgano. Riddhi Sharma believed that empowering every team member to respect one another, regardless of their status or background, was vital for maintaining harmony. This respect wasn’t just about politeness; it was about acknowledging the unique contributions of each person, which in turn helped resolve conflicts and foster a more collaborative work environment.

Compassion, too, played a central role in Riddhi Sharma’s leadership. She understood that practicing empathy was crucial for creating a supportive environment. When team members feel valued and understood, they are more motivated and engaged in their work. Under Riddhi Sharma’s guidance, BabyOrgano became a place where compassion was not just an ideal but a daily practice.

Riddhi Sharma also recognized the importance of wisdom in both personal and professional realms. Wisdom, as she saw it, was about understanding one’s environment, making informed decisions, and navigating challenges effectively. For Riddhi Sharma, wisdom was not just about knowledge; it was about applying that knowledge in ways that benefited the entire team. The wiser the team became, the more effectively they could lead the business forward.

A unique aspect of Riddhi Sharma’s approach was her emphasis on culture. She encouraged her team to embrace their cultural roots, for instance, by wearing traditional attire during Indian festivals and celebrations. For Riddhi Sharma, this was not just a way to promote cultural unity; it was also about bringing joy into the workplace. By placing culture first, Riddhi Sharma fostered a sense of belonging and pride among her team members.

As BabyOrgano grew, so did the team. Riddhi Sharma knew that scaling a business often comes with challenges, particularly in maintaining the values and culture that had made the company successful. To address this, she introduced practices that promoted mental peace, such as meditation. For Riddhi Sharma, meditation was more than just a tool for relaxation; it was a way to achieve the inner stability needed to lead a business with clarity and purpose.

Riddhi Sharma’s leadership journey is a testament to the power of integrating ancient wisdom with modern business practices. By applying Dharma principles to the workplace, Riddhi Sharma has not only built a successful brand but also created a harmonious and fulfilling work environment. Her story is a powerful reminder that true success is not just about what you achieve but how you achieve it.

In today’s fast-paced world, where the pressures of work can often lead to stress and burnout, Riddhi Sharma’s approach offers a refreshing perspective. By prioritizing the well-being of her team and staying true to her values, Riddhi Sharma has shown that it is possible to lead with compassion, wisdom, and integrity. Her journey with BabyOrgano is an inspiring example of how ancient principles can be the foundation for modern success.

As Riddhi Sharma continues to lead BabyOrgano, her commitment to Dharma will undoubtedly remain a guiding force. For Riddhi Sharma, the success of her company is not just measured in terms of revenue or market share, but in the happiness and fulfillment of her team. And in this, Riddhi Sharma has truly embodied the principle that health—both physical and mental—is indeed wealth.


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