Rupesh Sharma: Pioneering Agile Strategies for Vivo India’s Retail Success


Rupesh Sharma, GM Sales at vivo India, has been a beacon of strategic innovation and leadership in the fast-paced world of retail. His recent post on LinkedIn encapsulates his forward-thinking approach and his commitment to driving success through a deep understanding of consumers, value, and competencies. In the ever-evolving landscape of retail, Rupesh Sharma’s insights provide a roadmap for not just surviving but thriving.

Rupesh Sharma emphasizes that successful strategies are not conjured from thin air but are built on a foundation of clear understanding and deliberate questioning. At the recent Retail Agile Strategy Meet, vivo India delved into three powerful questions that are central to crafting a robust retail strategy for 2024. These questions are: Who is our consumer? What is our value? And, what are our competencies? By addressing these fundamental aspects, Rupesh Sharma and his team are setting the stage for a powerful and agile retail strategy.

Understanding the consumer is the lifeblood of any strategy, as Rupesh Sharma points out. In a market as dynamic as India, where consumer preferences can shift rapidly, having deep customer insights is crucial. Rupesh Sharma’s approach involves not just identifying who the consumers are but understanding their needs, desires, and pain points. This consumer-centric approach ensures that vivo India remains relevant and can anticipate market trends before they fully emerge.

The second question, “What is our value?” is about understanding what sets vivo apart from the competition. Rupesh Sharma is keenly aware that in a saturated market, it is the unique value proposition that can make or break a brand. For vivo India, this involves leveraging its strengths in innovation, design, and customer service. By continually refining and highlighting these unique offerings, vivo can maintain its competitive edge.

Rupesh Sharma also underscores the importance of knowing the company’s competencies. By understanding and leveraging their strengths, vivo India can deploy its resources more effectively and strategically. This involves not just recognizing what vivo excels at but also being aware of areas that need improvement and addressing them proactively. Rupesh Sharma’s focus on competencies ensures that the company can build on its successes while continuously striving for excellence.

A quote by Henry Mintzberg, “Strategy is not the consequence of planning, but the opposite: It’s the starting point,” resonates deeply with Rupesh Sharma’s philosophy. This captures the essence of the agile approach that vivo India is embracing. Rather than being a rigid plan, strategy, under Rupesh Sharma’s guidance, is seen as an evolving framework that adapts to changing circumstances while staying true to core values.

The principles of being Active, Positive, and Creative are at the heart of Rupesh Sharma’s strategic vision. These guiding principles ensure that vivo India’s strategies are not just reactive but proactive, always looking for opportunities to innovate and improve. Being active means staying engaged with the market, continuously gathering insights, and being ready to pivot as needed. Positivity ensures that the team remains motivated and resilient, seeing challenges as opportunities for growth. Creativity is about thinking outside the box, finding new ways to delight customers and stand out in a crowded market.

Rupesh Sharma’s leadership style is inclusive and participative. He encourages dialogue and values the input of his team, believing that great ideas can come from anyone. This collaborative approach not only fosters a sense of ownership and commitment among team members but also ensures that the strategy benefits from diverse perspectives.

The journey forward, as envisioned by Rupesh Sharma, is one where vivo India continues to resonate with consumers at every touchpoint. By being agile and adaptable, vivo can navigate the uncertainties of the market with confidence and poise. Rupesh Sharma’s emphasis on continuous adaptation ensures that the company can respond swiftly to changes in consumer behavior, technological advancements, and competitive pressures.

Moreover, Rupesh Sharma’s strategic insights are not confined to the present. He is always looking ahead, anticipating future trends and preparing vivo India to meet them head-on. This foresight is a hallmark of his leadership and a key reason why vivo India is poised for continued success in the coming years.

Rupesh Sharma’s approach to strategy at vivo India is a masterclass in agile leadership. By focusing on deep consumer insights, understanding unique value propositions, and leveraging core competencies, he is setting a robust foundation for future growth. His principles of being active, positive, and creative ensure that vivo India remains dynamic and resilient. Under his leadership, vivo India is not just ready to face the future; it is ready to shape it. As Rupesh Sharma continues to guide the company with his visionary insights, vivo India is well-positioned to achieve new heights of success.


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