Sam Charles: Five Years of Transforming Organizations with Insight and Integrity


Sam Charles, a renowned expert in helping organizations, leaders, and teams work better, recently celebrated a significant milestone. It has been five years since he founded Ascend – Organizational Development and Performance, a company dedicated to improving workplace dynamics and performance. In a recent LinkedIn post, Sam Charles shared valuable lessons from his journey, offering insights that resonate deeply with professionals across various fields.

Navigating the Loneliness of Self-Employment : Sam Charles began his reflection by addressing a common challenge faced by many entrepreneurs: the loneliness of self-employment. He emphasized the importance of surrounding oneself with good people and maintaining strong relationships. Sam Charles’s advice to connect regularly, share both the good and the bad, and seek advice from others highlights the value of diverse perspectives. According to Sam Charles, having someone else’s viewpoint is invaluable when one is caught up in their own thoughts.

The Power of Offering Without Expectation : One of the most profound lessons Sam Charles shared is the importance of offering help without expecting anything in return. He recalled how, at the beginning of his journey, many people generously gave their time, advice, and experience. Now, Sam Charles strives to pay it forward as much as possible. This approach, rooted in kindness and generosity, has become the lifeblood of his business. Although the return on such gestures is often just gratitude, the ripple effect is significant. Sam Charles noted that most of his business comes from referrals and recommendations from those who appreciate his selfless support.

Planning for Fallow Times : In his candid post, Sam Charles also discussed the necessity of planning for fallow times. Despite his relative fortune in not facing too many slow periods, he acknowledged that delays, unexpected changes, and cancellations can happen. Having a contingency plan, he advised, is crucial for maintaining confidence, mental health, and stability. This pragmatic approach helps keep the business steady even when faced with unforeseen challenges.

Embracing the Absence of a Definitive ‘Right Way’ : Sam Charles shared a significant realization about problem-solving in his field. He used to believe there was a single ‘Right Way’ to address client issues. Over time, he learned that this definitive solution does not exist. Instead, there are better and worse ideas. By drawing on past successes, trusting his judgment, and leaning into uncertainty, Sam Charles has been able to provide tailored, evidence-based recommendations to his clients. This flexibility and openness to multiple solutions have been key to his success.

Simplicity and Human Connection in Consulting : A piece of advice from Andy Bell, given to Sam Charles about 15 years ago, has had a lasting impact: “Your job is to make complex things simple for clients, not simple things more complex.” This principle has guided Sam Charles in his interactions with clients. By speaking and acting like a human being rather than a detached consultant, he has built strong, trusting relationships. This approach makes him easy to work with and ensures that his clients receive clear, actionable advice.

Wise Words and Personal Reflections : Reflecting on his journey, Sam Charles shared wise words from his father during the challenging early months of his business: “I suspect you’ll look back in 12 months’ time and it’ll be the best thing you’ve ever done.” These words proved prophetic, as Sam Charles now looks back on his decision to start Ascend with immense pride. While acknowledging the pros and cons of self-employment, he affirmed that he wouldn’t have it any other way.

Celebrating Success and Looking Ahead : As Sam Charles marks this significant milestone, he continues to inspire those around him with his dedication, wisdom, and generosity. His journey over the past five years is a testament to the power of resilience, strategic planning, and authentic human connection. By sharing his experiences and insights, Sam Charles not only celebrates his achievements but also provides a roadmap for others navigating their own professional paths.

Sam Charles’s reflections on his five-year journey with Ascend – Organizational Development and Performance offer valuable lessons for professionals and entrepreneurs alike. His emphasis on maintaining relationships, offering help without expectation, planning for uncertainties, embracing multiple solutions, simplifying complexity, and staying grounded in human connection encapsulates the essence of effective leadership and business development.

As Sam Charles continues to help organizations, leaders, and teams work better, his story serves as a beacon of inspiration. His commitment to integrity, generosity, and continuous learning exemplifies the qualities that drive long-term success. With a solid foundation built over the past five years, Sam Charles is poised to continue making a positive impact in the world of organizational development and performance.


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