Sanita Pukite: Embracing Leadership Beyond Titles


Sanita Pukite’s recent post on LinkedIn dives deeply into the internal struggle many leaders face, touching on the complex journey of self-belief and empowerment. Sanita Pukite, founder and CEO of I Elevating Leaders & Teams, and a renowned speaker, sheds light on her personal experience with these challenges and offers valuable insights on how to overcome them.

Sanita Pukite’s post begins with a poignant message from a friend, describing his wife’s struggle to reconnect with her sense of power and self-worth. This message struck a chord with Sanita Pukite, evoking a deep sense of empathy. Her own journey with self-doubt and questioning her impact in leadership roles mirrors the sentiments shared by her friend’s wife.

Sanita Pukite’s reflection reveals that even with substantial achievements—such as managing million-dollar projects and leading senior-level cross-functional teams—the internal battle of self-doubt can persist. This internal struggle is not uncommon among leaders, especially women in leadership positions. Sanita Pukite candidly shares her experience of grappling with questions like, “Should I do more?” and “Am I doing enough?” These questions are indicative of the broader challenge many face: reconciling their achievements with their self-perception.

Sanita Pukite’s breakthrough came when she realized that leadership is not merely a position or authority but an identity. This revelation marked a turning point in her journey. Sanita Pukite understood that true leadership begins with personal self-management. It involves navigating one’s emotions, managing internal conflicts, and maintaining resilience through life’s uncertainties.

Sanita Pukite’s approach to overcoming self-doubt involved mastering the ability to harness her strengths and channel positive energy towards creating meaningful impact. Her journey underscores the importance of internal alignment in achieving external success. By focusing on self-belief and managing her internal struggles, Sanita Pukite was able to shift her life in a direction aligned with her goals and values.

Statistics highlight a critical issue: only 31% of women in leadership roles feel confident in their abilities. This lack of confidence often stems from internal struggles and societal pressures. Sanita Pukite’s experience resonates with this statistic, reflecting the broader challenge faced by many women leaders. Despite these challenges, women continue to lead and succeed, demonstrating significant decision-making abilities, innovation, and the creation of positive work environments.

Sanita Pukite’s realization that leadership is defined by one’s identity rather than a formal role is a powerful message. It shifts the focus from external validation to internal self-awareness and authenticity. For Sanita Pukite, true leadership involves inspiring, influencing, and contributing to goals larger than oneself. It is about creating a positive impact on others and beyond.

In her post, Sanita Pukite extends a message of encouragement to fellow female leaders. She advises embracing moments of self-doubt with self-compassion and affirming one’s worth. This approach fosters resilience and confidence, enabling leaders to continue their journey with courage and authenticity.

Sanita Pukite’s insights offer practical tips for increasing self-confidence and self-belief:

Manage Internal Conflicts: Address and work through personal doubts and fears. Understanding and managing your internal struggles can significantly impact your external effectiveness.

Harness Your Strengths: Focus on your unique strengths and use them to drive positive change. Aligning your actions with your core strengths can boost confidence and effectiveness.

Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself during challenging times. Self-compassion helps in managing stress and maintaining a positive outlook.

Embrace Your Identity: Recognize that your role as a leader is an extension of who you are. Embracing this identity can enhance your ability to inspire and lead authentically.

Sanita Pukite’s message is a call to action for leaders to acknowledge and embrace their journey. Her story serves as a reminder that leadership is an ongoing process of self-discovery and growth. By focusing on internal alignment and self-belief, leaders can overcome self-doubt and create a lasting impact.

Sanita Pukite’s experience and insights offer valuable lessons for anyone grappling with leadership challenges and self-doubt. Her journey underscores the importance of viewing leadership as an identity rather than a position and highlights the power of internal self-management in achieving external success. Sanita Pukite’s message is a beacon for leaders to embrace their true selves, lead with authenticity, and unleash their inherent power.


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