Sara Mobarhanfard: Navigating the Path to Your First or Next 10 Clients


Sara Mobarhanfard, a beacon of inspiration and guidance in the realm of coaching, recently shared insights on the journey to attracting and signing your first or next 10 clients. As a Conscious Business Coach and founder of her own coaching practice, Sara Mobarhanfard’s journey is marked by resilience, determination, and a deep commitment to empowering others to find success on their terms.

In her recent LinkedIn post, Sara Mobarhanfard delves into her own experiences and challenges as a new coach navigating the world of sales and marketing. Like many starting out in the coaching industry, Sara faced the daunting task of attracting clients without the benefit of an established reputation or extensive reviews. Despite the obstacles, Sara’s determination and unwavering belief in her abilities propelled her forward on her journey.

Sara Mobarhanfard’s approach to building her coaching business centered around two key strategies: coaching conversations and valuing her worth. Recognizing the importance of connecting with others on a personal level, Sara engaged in countless free coaching sessions, leveraging each opportunity to build relationships, collect reviews, and expand her network. While these sessions didn’t always result in paid clients, they laid the foundation for future success and allowed Sara to refine her coaching skills.

However, Sara Mobarhanfard reached a turning point when she realized the value of her services and decided to stop offering free sessions. By confidently presenting her audience with a paid offer, Sara demonstrated her worth and attracted three clients within hours, marking the end of her “free era.” This bold move not only validated Sara’s expertise but also set the stage for future growth and success in her coaching practice.

Drawing from her experience of supporting hundreds of clients in their businesses, Sara Mobarhanfard recognizes that new coaches often face the challenge of attracting the right clients. Rather than overwhelming them with complex business strategies and systems, Sara emphasizes the importance of understanding who to serve and how to attract the right clients. At the core of her approach is the belief that new coaches need support and guidance in mastering effective client attraction and signing strategies.

To address this need, Sara Mobarhanfard offers a two-week intensive program focused on helping ambitious coaches master effective client attraction and signing strategies. With a commitment to providing extraordinary value and support, Sara goes above and beyond to ensure her clients receive the guidance and resources they need to succeed. By offering early bird incentives and fast action taker bonuses, Sara demonstrates her dedication to empowering others to achieve their goals.

Sara Mobarhanfard’s journey serves as a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and self-belief in achieving success as a coach. Through her own experiences and challenges, Sara has emerged as a trusted mentor and guide for aspiring coaches navigating the path to building their businesses. As she continues to empower others to find their unique business blueprint, Sara Mobarhanfard leaves an indelible mark on the coaching industry, inspiring countless individuals to pursue their passions and fulfill their potential.


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