Sarath Bhooshan: Embracing Global Opportunities and Innovations


Sarath Bhooshan, Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Bhooshan’s Jr., recently reflected on a transformative business trip to the UK, undertaken during London Tech Week. This journey, organized by the Department for Business and Trade (DBT) as part of the British High Commission in India’s network, marked a significant milestone in Sarath Bhooshan’s entrepreneurial journey.

Sarath Bhooshan began the trip with a mixture of doubts and anticipation. He questioned whether the trip would be effective for his industry, whether he would meet the right people, and whether the event would be well-organized. Despite these uncertainties, Sarath Bhooshan adopted a positive mindset, eager to learn and explore the opportunities that lay ahead.

As the founder of Bhooshan’s Jr., a company focused on the kids’ entertainment sector, Sarath Bhooshan aimed to gain a deeper understanding of the UK and European markets. His goal was to see how new technologies could be adopted to enhance his business. The trip turned out to be a game-changer, exceeding his expectations in many ways.

During his time in the UK, Sarath Bhooshan met a plethora of amazing professionals and witnessed a range of innovative tech start-ups. Conversations with start-up founders and investors provided him with invaluable insights. These interactions not only broadened his perspective but also opened up new avenues for collaboration and growth.

One of the highlights of Sarath Bhooshan’s trip was stepping out of his comfort zone. He met people in various settingsā€”restaurants, elevators, and even during train trips. These chance encounters often led to productive discussions and further meetings over lunch or coffee. Such experiences underscored the importance of networking and being open to new connections.

Sarath Bhooshan observed that investors in London showed a great interest in the Indian market. They are closely watching the technological innovations happening in India and are eager to explore potential collaborations. This interest further fueled Sarath Bhooshan’s confidence in his projects and initiatives.

The positive responses and new collaborations secured during this trip were particularly encouraging for Sarath Bhooshan. The journey not only expanded his professional network but also provided fresh perspectives and ideas that he could bring back to Bhooshan’s Jr. This experience highlighted the significance of global exposure and the impact it can have on business growth and innovation.

Sarath Bhooshan expressed his gratitude to Sijoy Thomas for providing him with this incredible opportunity. The trip has left him more optimistic and enthusiastic about the future. He looks forward to visiting the UK again and exploring further initiatives that can drive his company forward.

Reflecting on his journey, Sarath Bhooshan emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive mindset and being open to new experiences. He believes that stepping out of one’s comfort zone is crucial for growth and success. The trip to the UK reinforced his belief in the value of networking, continuous learning, and embracing global opportunities.

Sarath Bhooshan’s journey serves as an inspiration to entrepreneurs and business leaders. It underscores the importance of being proactive, seeking new opportunities, and leveraging global platforms for growth. By adopting a positive mindset and being open to new experiences, entrepreneurs can unlock new potential and drive their businesses to new heights.

Sarath Bhooshan’s trip to the UK during London Tech Week was a transformative experience that has left a lasting impact on him and his company. It provided him with valuable insights, new connections, and a renewed sense of confidence in his projects and initiatives. As Sarath Bhooshan continues to lead Bhooshan’s Jr., he remains committed to exploring new opportunities, embracing innovation, and driving growth in the kids’ entertainment sector. His journey serves as a testament to the power of global exposure and the importance of maintaining a positive mindset in the face of uncertainty.


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