Sayoni Dutta Roy: How Consistency Led to Cracking MAANG


Sayoni Dutta Roy, Co-Founder at Stealth, is not only an accomplished tech professional but also an inspiring figure for those aspiring to crack the coveted MAANG (Meta, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google) interviews. Her journey from a tier 3 college to landing roles at Adobe and Google is a testament to the power of perseverance and structured learning. Through her candid LinkedIn posts, Sayoni Dutta Roy shares practical advice that resonates with anyone striving to break into top-tier tech companies. One of her key insights centers around mastering Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA)—an area many find daunting.

In a recent post, Sayoni Dutta Roy shared a straightforward but impactful approach to making DSA more manageable. For those who feel stuck despite hours of practice, her advice is refreshingly simple: consistency and time management. The lessons that helped Sayoni Dutta Roy reach her career milestones are not flashy, but they are effective, and they reflect the kind of disciplined mindset that is required to succeed in highly competitive environments.

The Struggle with DSA: Sayoni Dutta Roy’s Solution Sayoni Dutta Roy begins by addressing a common complaint among those preparing for MAANG interviews: “DSA is just too hard!” It’s a sentiment many share, and for good reason—Data Structures and Algorithms can be overwhelming for even the most determined learners. People often express frustration that, despite days of practice, they still struggle with solving new problems independently.

Sayoni Dutta Roy’s solution to this challenge is rooted in daily, focused practice. Her advice may sound simple, but it’s grounded in her own experience of cracking difficult coding challenges. The key, according to Sayoni Dutta Roy, is not necessarily how many problems you solve each day, but how consistently you practice.

Start Small, Stay Consistent One of the most significant pieces of advice Sayoni Dutta Roy offers is to start with a manageable goal. Instead of setting overly ambitious goals like practicing DSA for four hours a day, she suggests beginning with just 20 to 30 minutes. This minimal daily commitment allows for steady, sustainable progress. As Sayoni Dutta Roy points out, it’s not about the quantity of problems solved; it’s about building the habit of practicing every single day.

For many, the idea of practicing for a shorter, fixed period may seem counterintuitive. After all, more time should theoretically lead to faster improvement, right? But as Sayoni Dutta Roy explains, the reality is that consistency, not intensity, is the real game-changer when it comes to mastering difficult subjects like DSA. By making the time commitment small and realistic, the likelihood of sticking with it over the long term increases dramatically.

Using Accountability Tools To reinforce this habit, Sayoni Dutta Roy recommends using a time-tracking app like Toggl Track. This keeps you accountable and ensures you meet your daily time goal. Rather than focusing on the number of problems solved, the objective is simply to reach that minimum time threshold each day. By celebrating each day’s success in meeting that time goal, you create a positive feedback loop that keeps you motivated.

Sayoni Dutta Roy’s approach to practice is refreshingly human. She acknowledges that some days will be harder than others, and there may be times when you don’t solve a single problem. But in her words, “Each day you meet your time goal is a win. Celebrate that.” This shift in mindset—from stressing over immediate results to celebrating consistency—can transform how people approach learning difficult skills.

The Power of Three Months Sayoni Dutta Roy offers a clear timeframe for this approach: commit to practicing DSA for a minimum amount of time each day for three months. This method may seem slow at first, but as Sayoni Dutta Roy promises, DSA will get easier. Three months of consistent practice can lead to noticeable improvement, not just in solving problems but in your overall understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms. The idea is to let steady effort compound over time, which is a more sustainable way of learning.

A Journey Rooted in Resilience Sayoni Dutta Roy’s story is particularly inspiring because of where she started. Coming from a tier 3 college, she had to overcome significant obstacles to land roles at top tech companies like Adobe and Google. Her journey was not without setbacks, but it was her commitment to learning and her disciplined approach that helped her rise above those challenges. For Sayoni Dutta Roy, it wasn’t just talent or opportunity that got her through the door at MAANG companies—it was her ability to persist in the face of difficulty and her determination to improve each day.

This perspective is crucial for anyone preparing for MAANG interviews or working on difficult skills. Sayoni Dutta Roy’s advice transcends technical learning; it’s about building a mindset that embraces small, consistent efforts over time. It’s easy to get discouraged when facing a mountain of difficult problems, but as Sayoni Dutta Roy emphasizes, the path to success is built one step at a time.

Lessons for Aspiring MAANG Candidates For those aspiring to crack MAANG interviews, Sayoni Dutta Roy’s advice is invaluable. It provides a realistic and achievable method for improving in one of the most critical areas of the interview process: DSA. Her suggestion to start small and stay consistent is something anyone can implement, regardless of their starting point.

Sayoni Dutta Roy’s journey also highlights the importance of persistence in the face of frustration. It’s normal to feel stuck or overwhelmed, especially when trying to break into top tech companies. However, Sayoni Dutta Roy’s story shows that with the right approach, even the most challenging obstacles can be overcome.

Sayoni Dutta Roy’s experience cracking Adobe and Google from a tier 3 college is proof that success in the tech industry is possible with the right mindset and approach. Her advice on mastering DSA through daily, focused practice is a practical roadmap for anyone looking to break into MAANG. By following Sayoni Dutta Roy’s method of starting small, practicing consistently, and celebrating daily wins, aspiring tech professionals can take meaningful steps toward achieving their goals.

Sayoni Dutta Roy’s story is more than just a lesson in technical skills—it’s a lesson in resilience, discipline, and the power of consistent effort. Her journey serves as an inspiration to anyone striving to turn their dreams into reality.


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