“When Sensing the World Empowers Creativity: Insights from Josy Paul, BBDO India”


At an Ipsos After Hours event in Mumbai, Josy Paul, Chairman and CCO, BBDO India, reflected on his experiences and work in a chat with Amit Adarkar, CEO, Ipsos.

At the Ipsos After Hours – Mumbai Edition, Josy Paul, Chairman and Chief Creative Office, BBDO India, got candid about his experience and work in a barside chat with Amit Adarkar, CEO, Ipsos.

Talking about the Cannes Lions and being a juror at the premier advertising festival several times over, including in 2023, Paul said, “I don’t go there as a juror, I go as a pilgrim and as someone who wants to learn.”

He added, “Even when I am on the jury, I’d rather have the work judge me than I judge the work. Because when the work judges me, my mind opens. That’s what I found happening this time too. Now, people in the room and the jury were quite different which was very interesting. “

With digital leading the game, marketing has certainly evolved. Paul reflected on how marketing has undergone a change and how the role of creative has evolved over time.

“1996 was the year when I first went to Cannes and at that time, they only had four categories – TV, Radio, Print and Outdoor. Today, there are 31 categories. The wide variety of categories tells us about the evolution of marketing and creativity. There are certain defining years. In 2001 or 2002, Titanium was introduced as a category which was amazing. Sometimes you can’t put something in a box and label it and for those ideas, this category was offered. These defining years tell us where advertising and marketing are going. This year at Cannes we saw the rise of action from brands. It wasn’t just about a point of view anymore, “ noted Paul.

He also spoke about getting an idea that resonates with everyone in a polarised world catering to different segments at the same time.

“Duality is the nature of the world. I have no issues with duality because that is the answer to everything. Everytime there is a conflict, you think of duality and you feel at ease. We see ourselves in the business of conversations and through these conversations, we can create brand sentiments,” he said.

Referring to content as king and context as the kingdom, Paul outlined how they have managed to keep Ariel’s ‘Share the Load’ campaign created by BBDO as relevant and fresh as it was since its first release in 2015.

“Empathy and context are two important pillars. When there is radical empathy, then you can really sense the moment and when you can feel what is happening around you, you can create powerful work,” said Paul.


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