Shivam Chauhan: The Trailblazer in Indian Aviation


Shivam Chauhan, a name synonymous with innovation and resilience, has emerged as a pivotal figure in the Indian aviation industry. As the Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer (CINO) at Sarla Aviation, Shivam Chauhan is on a mission to reshape the landscape of aviation in India. His journey, marked by a relentless pursuit of excellence and an unwavering commitment to innovation, serves as an inspiration for aspiring engineers and entrepreneurs alike.

Shivam Chauhan’s passion for aviation and technology was evident from an early age. Growing up in Vadodara, a city now poised to become a hub for aviation with Airbus setting up an assembly line there, he was always fascinated by the mechanics of flight and the potential of technological advancements. This fascination led him to co-found Sarla Aviation, a company dedicated to pioneering the eVTOL (electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing) industry in India.

In a recent LinkedIn post, Shivam Chauhan highlighted a critical issue facing the Indian engineering landscape. “1.5M Indian Engineers graduate every year. But how many are willing to fail?” he asked. This poignant question underscores a fundamental problem: the fear of failure. According to Shivam Chauhan, this fear is a significant barrier to innovation and advancement in technology.

Shivam Chauhan’s observation is particularly relevant in the context of initiatives like “Make in India” and the government’s efforts to improve technical infrastructure. These initiatives aim to position India as a leader in technological advancements. However, as Shivam Chauhan points out, this vision cannot be realized unless there is a cultural shift towards embracing failure as a stepping stone to success.

As a drone enthusiast, Shivam Chauhan has witnessed firsthand how the fear of failure stifles innovation. Many individuals prefer to purchase hardware and use open-source code in their designs rather than starting from scratch. While this approach might be safe, it does not foster the kind of groundbreaking innovation needed to propel India to the forefront of global technological advancements.

At Sarla Aviation, Shivam Chauhan and his team have adopted a different approach. They are not afraid to fail. In fact, they see failure as an integral part of the innovation process. This mindset has been crucial in their efforts to develop eVTOL technology, which promises to revolutionize urban transportation by making it faster, more efficient, and environmentally friendly.

Shivam Chauhan’s leadership at Sarla Aviation is characterized by a culture of experimentation and learning. By encouraging his team to take risks and learn from their failures, he has created an environment where innovation thrives. This approach has already yielded significant progress, positioning Sarla Aviation as a leader in the emerging eVTOL industry in India.

The establishment of an Airbus assembly line in Vadodara is a testament to the government’s commitment to advancing the aviation industry. For Shivam Chauhan, this development is a clear signal that the time is ripe for innovation in Indian aviation. It reinforces his belief that India can and should be a pioneer in technological advancements.

Shivam Chauhan’s vision extends beyond the technical aspects of aviation. He is deeply committed to nurturing a new generation of engineers who are not afraid to fail. His message to aspiring engineers and potential team members at Sarla Aviation is clear: the willingness to fail is essential for success. “So, to whoever would like to join Sarla Aviation, you probably have figured out what my first question is going to be,” he states, emphasizing the importance of a fearless attitude towards failure.

Through his work at Sarla Aviation, Shivam Chauhan is not only advancing the eVTOL industry but also challenging the status quo in Indian engineering. He is a vocal advocate for a cultural shift that embraces failure as a critical component of innovation. This perspective is crucial for India to realize its potential as a leader in technological advancements.

Shivam Chauhan’s journey is a powerful reminder that innovation requires courage, resilience, and a willingness to embrace failure. His leadership at Sarla Aviation is a beacon of hope for those who dare to dream and innovate. By fostering a culture that values experimentation and learning, Shivam Chauhan is paving the way for a new era of technological advancements in India.

Shivam Chauhan’s impact on the Indian aviation industry is profound. His dedication to innovation, coupled with his fearless approach to failure, is driving significant advancements in eVTOL technology. As India continues to push forward with initiatives like “Make in India,” leaders like Shivam Chauhan will be instrumental in realizing the nation’s potential. His story is a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of embracing failure as a necessary step towards success.


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