Shraddha Subramanian: Breaking Through Barriers to Success with Intuition and Insight


Shraddha Subramanian, India’s first Intuition Expert and a certified Business & Executive Coach, has made a significant impact in the world of personal and professional development. Her recent LinkedIn post highlights a profound example of how intuition and deep analysis can uncover and address underlying barriers to success. Through her expertise, Shraddha Subramanian demonstrates how identifying and overcoming these barriers is crucial for unlocking one’s full potential.

Shraddha Subramanian’s post begins with a compelling narrative about a conversation she had with a founder who had raised investment from Shark Tank India. Despite his success in securing funding, the founder struggled to scale his business effectively. This challenge led him to seek the guidance of Shraddha Subramanian. “He was struggling to scale his business even after putting in all the time and resources,” she notes, setting the stage for an exploration of deeper issues beyond surface-level obstacles.

In their 1:1 discovery call, Shraddha Subramanian employed her unique skill set to delve into the founder’s story. “Upon digging deep into his story within minutes, I found a pattern which was stopping him from becoming successful,” she reveals. This pattern, as discovered by Shraddha Subramanian, was a mental block that linked loneliness to success. This connection was subtly influencing the founder’s approach to his business, despite his efforts and resources.

Shraddha Subramanian’s ability to identify this pattern highlights her expertise in recognizing and addressing deep-seated psychological barriers. “He connected loneliness to success,” Shraddha Subramanian explains, describing how this mental block prevented the founder from fully committing his efforts to the business. This insight underscores the power of intuition and the importance of exploring one’s internal landscape to achieve success.

The impact of Shraddha Subramanian’s intervention was immediate and profound. “When I helped him with this root block, he was awestruck by the subtlety of the life pattern which was hindering his growth,” she shares. This response illustrates the transformative effect that addressing internal barriers can have on an individual’s professional and personal progress.

Shraddha Subramanian’s approach emphasizes the significance of uncovering and addressing hidden barriers to success. “You see, the reason why you are stuck is deep-seated inside you,” she asserts. This statement reflects her belief that true success requires not only external effort but also internal alignment and clarity. By helping individuals confront and overcome these barriers, Shraddha Subramanian empowers them to break free from limitations and realize their full potential.

For those seeking to understand and overcome their own obstacles, Shraddha Subramanian offers her expertise and support. “To achieve success, it’s really important to break free from these mental barriers,” she advises. Her willingness to assist individuals in identifying and addressing their personal barriers reflects her commitment to facilitating meaningful change and growth.

Shraddha Subramanian’s message is a call to action for anyone feeling stuck or hindered in their professional or personal lives. “I’m just a call away to help you identify your barriers to success!” she invites. This openness to providing guidance and support underscores her dedication to helping others achieve their goals and aspirations.

Shraddha Subramanian’s recent LinkedIn post provides a compelling example of how intuition and deep analysis can uncover and address hidden barriers to success. Through her expertise as India’s first Intuition Expert and her role as a certified Business & Executive Coach, Shraddha Subramanian demonstrates the transformative power of addressing internal obstacles. Her insights into the connection between mental blocks and success highlight the importance of self-awareness and internal alignment in achieving one’s goals.

Shraddha Subramanian’s work serves as a reminder that success is not solely about external efforts and resources but also about confronting and overcoming the internal barriers that may be holding us back. By offering her support and guidance, Shraddha Subramanian empowers individuals to break free from these limitations and unlock their full potential. Her approach underscores the value of intuition, deep analysis, and personal insight in the journey towards success.


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