Shreya Hegde: Championing Value in Long-Form Content


Shreya Hegde, Head of Content at The 1% Club and Finance With Sharan, is sparking a conversation about the value of long-form content in today’s digital landscape. In a world where social media platforms serve as more than just sources of entertainment, Shreya Hegde believes that the objective is shifting towards learning, value addition, and information-based content.

As someone deeply entrenched in the creator industry, Shreya Hegde understands the need to adapt to this transition in objective. She advocates for a shift towards long-form content, emphasizing the importance of depth and detail in delivering valuable information to audiences.

According to Shreya Hegde, while short-form content like reels or shorts may grab attention quickly, they often lack the depth required for meaningful learning. Detailed captions can only provide so much clarity, whereas a longer video allows for a more comprehensive exploration of a topic, addressing doubts and providing a deeper understanding.

In Shreya Hegde’s view, long-form content not only facilitates learning but also positions creators as subject matter experts. By delving into topics in-depth, creators can establish themselves as trusted sources of information, earning the respect and engagement of their audience.

While short-form content may be trending today, Shreya Hegde believes that it’s the value addition provided by long-form content that resonates with audiences in the long run. A brief and detailed video covering all the essential points offers viewers a more enriching and rewarding experience, ultimately driving greater engagement and loyalty.

Shreya Hegde’s insights into the value of long-form content are timely and relevant in today’s digital age. As social media platforms continue to evolve, creators and brands alike must prioritize delivering meaningful content that adds value to their audience’s lives.

Shreya Hegde’s advocacy for long-form content is a testament to her commitment to delivering value and meaningful experiences to her audience. By championing the importance of depth and detail in content creation, she is paving the way for a more enriching and impactful digital landscape. As creators and brands navigate the ever-changing world of social media, Shreya Hegde’s message serves as a reminder of the enduring value of long-form content in driving engagement and fostering meaningful connections with audiences.


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