Shreya P: Crafting Success Through Inclusive Leadership


In a recent LinkedIn post, Shreya P., the MD & CEO at SB Infowaves, bares the realities of entrepreneurial challenges, recounting a substantial loss of more than 10 lakhs in 2023 due to hiring missteps. Her transparent acknowledgment of setbacks serves as a beacon for entrepreneurs navigating the complex terrain of team building. Beyond the financial repercussions, Shreya P. delves into a nuanced exploration of why the traditional strategy of pinning hopes solely on star employees is inherently flawed and how a more inclusive leadership approach can bridge the gap.

Shreya P. opens the narrative by confronting a common entrepreneurial myth—that hiring is an investment rather than an expense. While the significance of a good hire in propelling a company’s revenue is undeniable, she unveils a hidden dimension often overlooked—the substantial cost incurred due to bad hires even before salaries come into play. Advertising on job sites and various other hiring expenses compound the financial toll, emphasizing the need for a meticulous hiring strategy.

The core of Shreya P.’s insight lies in dismantling the flawed belief in relying solely on star employees. She identifies the pitfalls of such an approach, offering a multi-faceted perspective that goes beyond the obvious. Recognizing the importance of nurturing high-potential individuals, she underscores the need not to overlook those who may need support. This acknowledgment challenges the conventional hierarchy-centric mindset, where attention is disproportionately directed toward certain individuals holding specific designations.

The narrative unfolds as Shreya P. articulates the reasons behind the inevitable failure of a strategy fixated on star employees. The emphasis on hierarchical levels often results in the oversight of hidden talents and opinions within the workforce. The unnoticed employees, quietly developing their capabilities, often lack the chance to shine, leading to unrealized potential. Shreya P. asserts that effective leadership requires a delicate balance—an ability to nurture not only the obvious leaders but also those quietly building their capacities.

In response to these challenges, Shreya P. shares strategic steps taken at SB Infowaves to bridge the gap and foster an inclusive environment:

Skill-Based Mentorship Programs: The company focuses on skills rather than hierarchical levels, pairing junior employees with mentors based on specific skills they wish to develop.

Collaborative Project Assignments: Cross-functional projects requiring varied experience levels encourage inclusivity, providing opportunities for juniors to showcase their skills.

Reverse Mentoring Initiatives: A newly introduced program sees junior employees mentoring senior staff on topics where they possess more experience, fostering a two-way exchange of knowledge.

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs): SB Infowaves establishes ERGs focusing on diversity aspects, offering platforms for employees to connect, share experiences, and provide support.

Shreya P. also emphasizes her commitment to a flat hierarchy, where the designation someone holds does not determine their worth. This commitment to inclusivity permeates the company culture, promoting a collaborative and supportive work environment.

As an entrepreneur, Shreya P. extends an invitation for a collective conversation on building inclusive teams in 2024. Her post not only serves as a reflective piece on past challenges but also as a call to action for fellow entrepreneurs to embrace diversity, nurture untapped talents, and foster an environment where every team member has the chance to shine.

Shreya P. emerges not just as a business leader but as an advocate for inclusive leadership—a visionary who understands that success is not solely defined by star employees but by the collective strength and diversity of the entire team. In the landscape of entrepreneurship, where challenges are inevitable, Shreya P.’s narrative becomes a guiding light for those aspiring to build resilient and inclusive organizations.


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