Shruti Kashyap: Embracing Challenges, Inspiring Leadership


Shruti Kashyap, the Chief Information Officer (CIO) at Hindustan Unilever and Head of IT – South Asia at Unilever, shares a poignant reflection on a pivotal moment in her professional journey. In a heartfelt LinkedIn post, she recounts the final interview for the CIO role at HUL, a defining moment amidst the backdrop of a world grappling with the uncertainties of a global lockdown in March 2020.

The interview, scheduled on the eve of one of the most challenging projects of her career – the GSK HUL merger going live – epitomized a convergence of pressure and opportunity. As the world navigated unprecedented disruptions, technology emerged as the linchpin facilitating critical business transitions amidst stringent lockdown measures.

In the crucible of uncertainty and high stakes, Shruti Kashyap found herself facing a pivotal moment in her career journey. The weight of years of hard work, dedication, and aspiration converged into a single hour of conversation, where the trajectory of her professional path hung in the balance.

Reflecting on a poignant moment during the interview, Shruti Kashyap candidly recalls being stumped by a question posed by Sanjiv, which momentarily overwhelmed her with anxiety and self-doubt. In the face of mounting stress, his reassurance – “Don’t worry, your answer will not have an impact on the outcome of the interview” – served as a beacon of solace amidst the storm, embodying a spirit of empathy and understanding that transcended the confines of a formal interview process.

Shruti Kashyap’s experience serves as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of empathy and kindness, especially in moments of vulnerability and uncertainty. Her candid reflection underscores the importance of adopting a holistic approach to evaluating individuals, recognizing that a single moment of faltering does not define one’s potential or capabilities.

Drawing from her own experience, Shruti Kashyap emphasizes the need to extend empathy and understanding to others, especially in professional settings where the pressures of performance can be daunting. Her commitment to nurturing a culture of inclusivity and compassion underscores a leadership ethos rooted in empathy and resilience.

The lessons gleaned from her experience resonate beyond the confines of a single interview, offering invaluable insights into the transformative potential of embracing vulnerability and extending kindness in professional interactions. Shruti Kashyap’s leadership journey embodies a spirit of resilience, empathy, and inclusivity, inspiring others to navigate challenges with grace and compassion.

In a world where the pursuit of excellence often intersects with moments of vulnerability and uncertainty, Shruti Kashyap’s story serves as a testament to the power of resilience, empathy, and authentic leadership. Her commitment to fostering a culture of inclusivity and compassion underscores a leadership ethos rooted in empathy, resilience, and authenticity.

As Shruti Kashyap continues to lead by example, her journey serves as an inspiring reminder of the transformative potential of empathy, kindness, and authentic leadership. In navigating the complexities of professional life, her story resonates as a beacon of hope, urging us to embrace vulnerability, extend kindness, and lead with empathy in all our interactions.


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