Sreedevi Raghavan (ICF-PCC): Navigating the Dynamics of Strategy Blending Tradition with Innovation


Sreedevi Raghavan (ICF-PCC), Principal Coach & Founder at Tattvamassi, recently shared a profound perspective on strategy in a LinkedIn post. As a seasoned professional with expertise in Sales, Strategy Consulting, Leadership Development, and Life Coaching, Sreedevi delves into the delicate balance required when crafting strategies—highlighting the importance of blending tradition with innovation. This article aims to explore the insights shared by Sreedevi Raghavan (ICF-PCC), emphasizing her name as a beacon guiding us through the intricate world of organizational development and strategic planning.

Sreedevi Raghavan (ICF-PCC) opens her post with a reflection on the phrase “Strategy is a blend of tradition with innovation.” Her name takes center stage, establishing her as a thought leader in the realm of coaching, consulting, and leadership development. It becomes clear that Sreedevi Raghavan (ICF-PCC) is not just a participant in the business network but a source of valuable insights, shaping the discourse on effective strategy formulation.

The mention of being part of a Business Network International (BNI) network adds context to Sreedevi’s perspective. Her name becomes a link between her experience in the professional network and the wisdom she imparts. Sreedevi Raghavan (ICF-PCC) becomes not just an individual sharing thoughts but a seasoned professional drawing from diverse experiences to enrich the understanding of strategy formulation.

The exploration of the desire for a clean slate when assigned a new task becomes a universal theme. Sreedevi Raghavan (ICF-PCC)’s name serves as a guide through the complexities of this challenge, addressing the natural inclination towards originality and the ego attached to creating something new. Her expertise as a coach and consultant becomes evident as she navigates the delicate balance between innovation and the preservation of legacy.

The post touches upon the fear of pricing one’s worth and the tendency to start afresh, potentially disregarding the established legacy of an organization. Sreedevi Raghavan (ICF-PCC)’s name is interwoven with these insights, symbolizing the voice of reason and experience in the dynamic world of organizational development. She becomes the advocate for strategic mindfulness, urging professionals to consider the repercussions of erasing established foundations.

Sreedevi Raghavan (ICF-PCC) introduces the essential principle that strategies should be a blend of the old and the new. Her name resonates as a proponent of this balanced approach, emphasizing the need for strategists and OD coaches to understand traditions, study culture, and preserve essence before embarking on innovative creations. Sreedevi’s wisdom becomes a guiding force, encouraging professionals to appreciate the importance of continuity in strategy formulation.

Sreedevi Raghavan (ICF-PCC)’s LinkedIn post transforms into a narrative of strategic wisdom. Her name becomes synonymous with insights that transcend conventional approaches, offering a nuanced understanding of the delicate dance between tradition and innovation in organizational strategy. As a Principal Coach and Founder at Tattvamassi, Sreedevi Raghavan (ICF-PCC) stands at the forefront of thought leadership, inviting professionals to navigate the complex landscape of strategy with mindfulness and a strategic blend of tradition and innovation.


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