Srikanthan Kumarasamy: A Journey from Aggression to Compassion


Srikanthan Kumarasamy, Co-Founder & Head Coach at Guiding Light Coaching Services, shares a candid reflection on a pivotal moment in his career – a moment that taught him the invaluable lesson of emotional intelligence and compassion.

Twenty-five years ago, Srikanthan Kumarasamy was a high-achieving, aggressive people manager for a UK-based MNC. In his early thirties, he held the prestigious title of the youngest country head within the organization. With perks like a company-provided car, driver, and house, he believed he had truly “made it.”

However, a single incident would shatter this illusion of success and lead Srikanthan Kumarasamy on a path of self-discovery and transformation. A fax from the head office regarding a missing report sparked a confrontation that would change the course of his career.

Fueled by frustration and pressure, Srikanthan Kumarasamy lashed out at the responsible individual in front of the entire office, berating them for their perceived incompetence. It was a moment of unchecked aggression, driven by the demands of his role and the weight of expectations.

But in the aftermath of his outburst, Srikanthan Kumarasamy experienced a profound moment of realization. The person he had berated chose not to retaliate with anger or resentment but instead offered a poignant reminder of the importance of empathy and understanding in leadership.

This encounter served as a wake-up call for Srikanthan Kumarasamy, prompting him to embark on a journey of self-improvement and emotional growth. Recognizing the need to cultivate emotional intelligence, he sought guidance and support to develop the skills necessary to lead with compassion and empathy.

Today, Srikanthan Kumarasamy shares his story as a testament to the transformative power of emotional intelligence in leadership. He understands firsthand the challenges that leaders face when under pressure and the temptation to resort to aggression as a means of getting results.

But Srikanthan Kumarasamy’s journey serves as a reminder that true leadership is not about exerting control or instilling fear but about fostering a culture of compassion and respect. By replacing aggression with empathy, leaders can create environments where individuals feel valued, supported, and empowered to succeed.

The moral of Srikanthan Kumarasamy’s story is a simple yet profound one: be responsible with other people’s emotions. In a world where stress and pressure are commonplace, it’s easy to lose sight of the impact our actions have on those around us. But by cultivating empathy and compassion, we can build stronger, more resilient teams and forge deeper, more meaningful relationships.

And as for Srikanthan Kumarasamy, the incident that once served as a wake-up call has now become a source of inspiration and growth. He has cultivated a fantastic relationship with the individual he once clashed with, demonstrating the transformative power of emotional intelligence in both professional and personal settings.

In sharing his story, Srikanthan Kumarasamy reminds us all of the importance of leading with compassion, empathy, and understanding. It’s a lesson that resonates far beyond the confines of the office, reminding us of our shared humanity and the profound impact we can have on one another when we choose kindness over aggression.


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