Srikanthan Kumarasamy: Mentoring Through Purpose and Passion


Srikanthan Kumarasamy is a name synonymous with dedication, purpose, and transformative mentorship in the business coaching world. Srikanthan Kumarasamy’s journey as a mentor began over 18 months ago when he was introduced to Sreedevi via LinkedIn. This connection marked the start of a meaningful relationship where Srikanthan Kumarasamy guided Sreedevi, a PCC credentialed coach, on her journey to becoming a Master Certified Coach (MCC).

Srikanthan Kumarasamy’s approach to mentoring is deeply rooted in understanding the unique paths of those he mentors. Sreedevi, who previously held a Senior Vice President position at HDFC Bank, made the bold decision to leave her corporate career a few years ago. She embarked on a journey of soul-searching and inner work, eventually finding her true calling in coaching. Srikanthan Kumarasamy played a pivotal role in supporting her transition, helping her align her professional life with her newfound passion.

Srikanthan Kumarasamy’s influence is not just limited to one-on-one mentoring. He is also a driving force behind programs that empower others to achieve their potential. When organizing his Residential ICF Level 1 Coach Training Program, Srikanthan Kumarasamy saw the perfect opportunity to elevate Sreedevi’s profile by inviting her to teach two critical topics: Appreciative Inquiry and Inner Game. These topics are not merely academic subjects; they are concepts that Sreedevi embodies and imparts to her clients, helping them master their mindset, improve performance, and build high-performing teams.

The decision by Srikanthan Kumarasamy to involve Sreedevi in his program highlights his belief in her abilities and his commitment to creating opportunities for growth. His Residential ICF Level 1 Coach Training Program, which was fully booked from the 15th to the 18th of the month, stands as a testament to the trust and respect Srikanthan Kumarasamy has earned in the coaching community. His programs are recognized for their depth, rigor, and ability to attract professionals committed to mastering the art of coaching.

Srikanthan Kumarasamy’s commitment to the coaching profession goes beyond individual mentorship. He is actively involved with coaching institutes that provide education for ICF credentials, demonstrating his dedication to raising the standards of the coaching industry. Srikanthan Kumarasamy’s influence extends far and wide, impacting not only those he directly mentors but also the broader coaching community.

One of the most inspiring aspects of Srikanthan Kumarasamy’s mentorship is his ability to empower those he mentors to find and pursue their true calling. Sreedevi’s journey from a high-ranking corporate executive to a dedicated coach is a powerful example of the impact that purposeful mentoring can have. Srikanthan Kumarasamy’s support has been instrumental in helping her navigate this transition and excel in her new career.

Srikanthan Kumarasamy’s mentorship is characterized by a deep understanding of the challenges faced by professionals in transition. He recognizes that stepping away from a successful corporate career requires not only courage but also a clear sense of purpose. His guidance has been crucial in helping Sreedevi build the confidence and skills needed to succeed in her new path, while also continuing to contribute her expertise as a sales consultant for banks.

As Srikanthan Kumarasamy continues to mentor and guide the next generation of coaches, his legacy grows stronger. His work is not just about imparting knowledge or skills; it is about helping individuals discover their purpose and empowering them to make meaningful contributions to their communities. The impact of Srikanthan Kumarasamy’s mentorship is far-reaching, as those he mentors go on to inspire and lead others in their own right.

In conclusion, Srikanthan Kumarasamy’s role in mentoring and business coaching is a powerful reminder of the importance of guidance, support, and shared wisdom. His journey with Sreedevi exemplifies the transformative power of coaching and the lasting impact a dedicated mentor can have on an individual’s life. As Srikanthan Kumarasamy continues to inspire and lead, he is not only shaping the future of coaching but also contributing to a world where more people can achieve their full potential.


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