Suresh Sekar: A Journey from Vision to Victory


Suresh Sekar embodies the spirit of perseverance and unwavering determination. As the Founder and CEO of Piccosoft Software Labs India Private Limited, Suresh Sekar has carved a niche for himself in the tech industry, navigating through numerous challenges with an indomitable spirit. His story is not just one of entrepreneurial success, but also a testament to the power of resilience and a positive mindset.

Suresh Sekar began his journey with a simple yet profound philosophy: “You need to have a mindset of accepting the hard truth and saying – ‘It’s okay, I will take care.'” This mantra has been his guiding light, helping him to stay focused and motivated, no matter the obstacles he faced. The early days of Piccosoft were far from easy. Suresh Sekar recalls the challenges he encountered right after signing the agreement for a rental office. Despite paying rent for three months without any employees and needing funds to set up the office infrastructure, he remained optimistic. “It’s okay, I will take care,” he told himself, reinforcing his resolve to push forward.

One of the most trying phases for Suresh Sekar was during the growth stage of his company. Securing projects was a significant milestone, but retaining employees proved to be a persistent challenge. Trained employees often left for better opportunities just when their skills were most needed. Each departure was a blow, yet Suresh Sekar chose to extend forgiveness and maintain his focus. “It’s okay, I will take care,” he reassured himself, understanding that their growth was also a part of his journey.

The uncertainty didn’t end there. Prospective clients sometimes became unresponsive after he had spent countless hours understanding their requirements and preparing detailed proposals. These moments of doubt could have easily led to discouragement, but Suresh Sekar remained steadfast. He questioned himself: “Am I a Dreamer waiting for ‘One day’ or a Doer making every day ‘Day One’?” His answer was always clear. By accepting setbacks and maintaining his optimism, he kept his dream alive. “It’s okay, I will take care,” became his constant refrain.

Suresh Sekar’s philosophy is deeply rooted in his personal experiences. He understands that the path to success is often strewn with challenges that test one’s patience and resolve. However, his ability to embrace the hard truths and maintain his focus has been instrumental in his journey. “Today, with all the experience I have had, I realize that with every setback, I stayed optimistic and reminded myself, ‘Today is My Day,'” he reflects. This mindset has not only helped him navigate through difficult times but has also been a source of inspiration for those around him.

The story of Suresh Sekar and Piccosoft Software Labs is one of incremental progress and relentless effort. From setting up the office infrastructure to making the right hires for his rural branch, every step required time and patience. His journey underscores the importance of staying positive and focused, even when the odds seem insurmountable. By continually telling himself, “It’s okay, I will take care,” Suresh Sekar has built a resilient foundation for his company.

Suresh Sekar’s leadership style is characterized by empathy and a deep understanding of his team’s aspirations. He knows that the success of his employees is intertwined with the success of Piccosoft. By fostering an environment of mutual respect and support, he has created a workplace where everyone is encouraged to grow and excel. This approach has not only helped in retaining talent but has also fostered a sense of loyalty and commitment among his employees.

The vision of Suresh Sekar extends beyond just building a successful company. He is passionate about creating opportunities for others and contributing to the broader community. His focus on setting up a rural branch is a testament to his commitment to inclusive growth. By bringing employment opportunities to rural areas, he is helping to bridge the urban-rural divide and contribute to the development of these communities.

Suresh Sekar’s journey is a powerful example of how a positive mindset and unwavering focus can lead to extraordinary success. His story is a beacon of hope for aspiring entrepreneurs, illustrating that with perseverance and the right attitude, it is possible to overcome any challenge. “Embrace the hard truth. Stay focused. Keep saying, ‘It’s okay, I will take care,'” advises Suresh Sekar. His life and career are a testament to the power of this simple yet profound philosophy.


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