Swati Mohan: Unleashing the Power of Brand Led Growth

Swati Mohan

Swati Mohan, an Independent Advisor and former leader at Netflix, Nat Geo, and GroupM, recently took to her LinkedIn profile to share a profound insight into the world of branding. In a thought-provoking post, she challenges the conventional notion that a brand is merely about logos, campaigns, and famous faces. With over two decades of experience in building mega brands, including Netflix, Nat Geo, and HUFT, Swati introduces the concept of the “CRAFT of Brand Led Growth,” a transformative framework developed in collaboration with the team at GrowthX®.

The post dives into the prevailing issue where brand and growth are often viewed as distinct strategies within an organization. Swati highlights the misconception that brand is confined to the realms of advertising and social media, emphasizing that a brand resides in the mind of the consumer. It shapes their perceptions, influences their feelings, and ultimately drives their decisions to purchase and repurchase a product.

Positive Power: Unveiling the CRAFT of Brand Led Growth

Swati Mohan’s post radiates positivity as she unveils the CRAFT of Brand Led Growth, a culmination of her experiences building global and Indian brands. The use of words like “privilege,” “distilled experiences,” and “actionable framework” exudes a sense of accomplishment and expertise. The emphasis on collaboration with the GrowthX® team further reinforces the credibility of the approach.

The post encourages a shift in perspective, urging founders and early team members to reimagine brand as a core business and growth strategy. Swati asserts that the CRAFT is meticulously designed to help differentiate products and create a competitive advantage, drawing parallels with iconic brands like Nike, Apple, Taj, and more.

Negative Nuance: Breaking Down Misconceptions

In addressing the problem at hand, Swati Mohan candidly points out the prevalent misconception that brand and growth are mutually exclusive. She challenges the traditional view of brand as a functional vertical solely focused on big ads and social media. This negative assertion serves as a catalyst for change, prompting readers to reconsider their approach to brand strategy.

Swati’s assertion that the current mindset needs a transformation in thinking underscores the urgency to break free from outdated paradigms. By framing the issue as a hindrance to true brand potential, she compels her audience to rethink their strategies and embrace a holistic brand-led growth approach.

Power in Framework: The CRAFT Unveiled

Swati Mohan unfolds the CRAFT of Brand Led Growth as a comprehensive framework developed over the past year. The power words “define,” “sketch,” and “build” underscore the proactive nature of the framework. From defining product, market, and user to outlining the Job To Be Done (JTBD) of the brand, the CRAFT ensures a strategic foundation.

The post delves into the core value proposition, emphasizing the importance of a brand wedge. Swati elucidates how this framework translates into a brand footprint across customer journeys and touchpoints, all while keeping a keen eye on growth. The use of powerful words like “competitive advantage” and drawing parallels with industry giants adds gravitas to the framework.

Empowering Entrepreneurs: Tailored for Founders

Swati Mohan makes the CRAFT of Brand Led Growth accessible, positioning it as a tool crafted specifically for founders and early team members. The post strategically employs the power words “differentiate,” “competitive advantage,” and “crowded market” to resonate with entrepreneurs navigating challenging landscapes.

The mention of early access for GrowthX® members creates a sense of exclusivity and urgency, enticing readers to explore the transformative framework. Swati’s strategic use of words ensures that the audience perceives the CRAFT as not just a methodology but a powerful tool for success in the competitive market.

Closing the Loop: Call to Action

The post concludes with a clear call to action, directing interested individuals to the first link in the comments section for early access to the CRAFT of Brand Led Growth. Swati Mohan’s use of the phrase “clear sight on growth” instills confidence and reassures the audience that this framework is not just theoretical but practical and results-driven.

In wrapping up, the article has explored Swati Mohan’s LinkedIn post, dissecting both the positive and negative aspects of her message. The power words, strategic framing, and clear articulation of the CRAFT of Brand Led Growth make this post a compelling call to action for entrepreneurs looking to redefine their brand strategy. Swati Mohan’s name echoes throughout the narrative, reinforcing her authority and expertise in the realm of brand-led growth.


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