SWATI S.: From Serendipity to Success


SWATI S. is not your typical entrepreneur. Unlike many who chase after a groundbreaking idea or a lucrative business venture, SWATI S. found herself on the entrepreneurial path almost by accident. Her journey, filled with unexpected twists and turns, began in 2013 when she joined GolfLan (now Thriwe) to assist a friend, Dhruv Verma. What started as a favor quickly evolved into a commitment that would define her career and transform her into a co-founder of a thriving business.

In 2013, SWATI S. agreed to help her friend with what she thought would be a brief stint at GolfLan. Little did she know that this decision would set the stage for her entrepreneurial journey. The startup environment was far from glamorous. The office was so rundown that potential candidates often drove up, took one look, and left. Despite enticing offers from multinational corporations that promised stability and prestige, SWATI S. chose to stay. She was driven by a sense of responsibility and a commitment to seeing the fledgling startup succeed.

“Everybody asks me – Why do I call myself an accidental entrepreneur?” says SWATI S. Her story is not one of a burning ambition for success or a relentless pursuit of a revolutionary idea. Instead, it is a tale of resilience, commitment, and a deep-seated sense of duty. SWATI S. immersed herself in every aspect of the business—from product launch and go-to-market strategies to innovation, service operations, product development, and team management. There was no defined role or direction, just a need to do everything necessary for the idea to grow and survive.

Reflecting on her journey, SWATI S. acknowledges the challenges she faced. Youthful ignorance shielded her from the harsh realities of financial instability that often plague startups. Each year, she would tell herself, “Just a few more months, and then I’ll move on.” But as time went on, those months turned into years, and before she knew it, a decade had passed. SWATI S. realized that this was not a temporary detour but her destined path.

The journey of SWATI S. has not been easy, but it has been incredibly rewarding. The sheer sense of responsibility towards her team and clients has been her driving force. She emphasizes that in business, it’s not just about achieving personal success; it’s about the impact you have on others. SWATI S. believes that the sense of duty to their team and clients has been the cornerstone of her perseverance.

Looking back, SWATI S. sees that the challenges, the struggles, and the unplanned detours were precisely what shaped her into the entrepreneur she is today. Her story is not one of calculated moves or grand visions, but of resilience, commitment, and a deep-seated faith in the journey. She reflects, “The journey hasn’t been easy, but it has been incredibly rewarding. The sense of duty to our team and our clients has been my driving force.”

SWATI S. also speaks about the emotional and personal aspects of her journey. She acknowledges that it’s not about money or fame, but about the responsibility that keeps one going. The thought of walking away and letting everything they built, along with the livelihoods of those who depended on the company, crumble was inconceivable to her. This profound sense of responsibility was a significant factor in her decision to stay and continue fighting for the success of Thriwe.

In her reflections, SWATI S. shares that her youthful ignorance shielded her from the harsh realities of financial instability. Each year brought the promise of “just a few more months,” a promise that extended into a decade. This realization that her journey was not a detour but her destined path came with a mix of surprise and acceptance. The challenges and struggles were instrumental in shaping her into the resilient entrepreneur she is today.

SWATI S. emphasizes the importance of resilience and commitment in her story. Her entrepreneurial journey was not born from a grand vision or calculated moves, but from a deep-seated faith in the journey, even when it diverged from well-laid-out plans. She understands that the impact she has on others through her business is a significant measure of her success.

the story of SWATI S. is a powerful reminder that not all entrepreneurs start with a clear vision or an ambitious goal. Some, like SWATI S., find their path through serendipity, guided by a sense of responsibility and commitment to those around them. Her journey with Thriwe showcases that resilience, duty, and an unwavering faith in the journey can lead to incredible success and fulfillment. SWATI S. stands as an inspiration to all accidental entrepreneurs, proving that sometimes, the best paths are the ones we never planned to take.


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