Tanishq’s campaign is an ode to the resilient spirit of Bengal

Tanishq and WYP Brand Solutions launch new campaign for Durga Puja, 'Ekotai Shundor, Ekotai Shokti'

Tanishq and WYP Brand Solutions launch new campaign for Durga Puja, ‘Ekotai Shundor, Ekotai Shokti’

Jewellery brand Tanishq from Tata Group has launched a new campaign ‘Ekotai Shundor, Ekotai Shokti’ this Durga Pujo. Conceptualised by Tanishq and WYP Brand Solutions, the Pujo campaign is an ode to the resilient spirit of Bengal and Bengalees. The campaign intends to kick start the season of celebration and encourages people to come together while adhering to safety norms.

As Durga Pujo celebrates the victory of good over evil, taking inspiration from Maa Durga, the campaign is launched in good faith and with a strong belief that, with the spirit of oneness and unity, we can fight and overcome any obstacles that may come our way.

The campaign features Mimi Chakraborty, the brand ambassador of Tanishq for the East region. The campaign dwells on the lore of Pujo and the mythos of Maa Durga and is shot against the backdrop of elements that are integral to Pujo and bring alive the divinity and the richness of the rituals and traditions associated with the festival, thus allowing everyone to imbibe in the emotion of Pujo.

The campaign attempts to put across a significant message and a deeper realisation that has been brought to the fore, especially in the recent times — that one cannot battle it out alone and the true essence of victory lies in the spirit of oneness. Every year Bengalees look forward to bringing Maa home and indulging in the festive fervour because for them Pujo is not just a festival, it is an emotion. Staying contextually relevant, the campaign leaves viewers with the thought of celebrating Pujo responsibly while abiding by all safety precautions.

The campaign celebrates the Karigars and the entire ecosystem who infuse life into every aspect of Pujo celebrations — right from the potters who shape up Maa’s protima with dedication, to the Daaker Shaajer shilpi, to the ones who mould the Dhunuchis in all their earthy gorgeousness, the ones who craft the Pradips out of brass and essentially everyone who adorn Maa in all her festive glory!

With their campaign ‘Ekotai Shundor, Ekotai Shokti’, Tanishq urges Bengali women to make its latest collection ‘Aparajita,’ a part of their Pujo celebration and appreciate the efforts of Bengal’s karigars for their contribution. The new collection in yellow gold inspired by Bengali traditional designs are exclusively curated for Bengalis, and is sure to add a special sparkle to the Pujo celebrations this year!

Ranjani Krishnaswamy, GM, Marketing, Tanishq, Titan Company Ltd., said, “Our campaign Aparajita ‘Ekotai Shundor, Ekotai Shokti’, has been crafted to instill hope, positivity, and oneness which are intrinsic to Pujo celebrations. Through this campaign, we have attempted to keep deep-rooted Pujo traditions in place while celebrating the emotions that bind Bengalis. The campaign is inspired by the symbolism of Ma Durga, her roop of Aparajita and the invincible force she represents with the collective power of all Devatas and how that enabled her to conquer the shape-shifting monster — Mahishasur. First came the pandemic and then came Aamphan and along with it, the realisation as to how no one can battle these adversities all alone. It is, in fact, exemplary how people of Bengal stood beside each other to tackle these double devastations and thus represented the collective power against the evil forces plaguing them in the recent times.

“Also Pujo is not only a festival but also an industry that provides livelihood to various craftsmen. This year, the pandemic and cyclone Amphan have significantly impacted the overall wellbeing of karigars and the entire value chain associated with jewellery making. Our campaign is an ode to the countless craftsmen for whom these few days of festivities are a crucial source of livelihood and even with reduced demand, they are pouring in their artistry with utmost dedication. These karigars are the foundation of the festivities, involved in evoking faith and devotion through the celebrations.

“Tanishq’s exclusive festive collection for Pujo, ‘Aparajita’, has a story to tell, an emotion to enjoy and a relationship to cherish. We hope our latest edit will add a special sparkle to Pujo celebrations this year and add the much-needed cheer and joy to the festivities.”

Amit Akali, Managing Director and CCO, and Tejas Mehta, COO, What’s Your Problem, said, “Tanishq believes that the only way we will come out of these tough times is as one. By coming together and supporting each other. And Maa Durga herself is the best epitome of ‘oneness’.  Most legends agree that Maa Durga was created to defeat a shape-shifting evil by the gods uniting their powers. We thought this analogy was very relevant to our times too. That’s what we’ve tried to bring alive through this beautiful story, manifested through Mimi Chakraborty, who represents the people of Bengal. Nobin Dutta, the director and the team at Little Lamb Productions shot Calcutta in all its beauty, first, with Mimi walking off the Ghat and through the famous streets of Kumartulli, where the idols are made, and then through the celebrations in the pandals. There’s a beautiful voiceover holding the film together, inspiring all of us to take heart from Maa’s journey, become one as a people and celebrate this festival like never before.”


General Manager, Marketing, Tanishq, Titan Company Limited: Ranjani Krishnaswamy

Senior Manager, Marketing, Tanishq: Gaurav Midha

Assistant Manager, Marketing, Tanishq: Ru Chatterji

Agency: WYP Brand Solutions, Mumbai


MD & CCO: Amit Akali

Group Creative Director: Ruchita Zambre

Creative Director, Copy: Prakhar Deogirikar

Creative Director, Art: Yash Bendkhale

Sr. Art Director: Bhakti Ramesh Vichare

Sr. Copywriter: Meghal Gehani,

Juju Basu

Account Mgmt.:

COO: Tejas Mehta


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