Taniya Dhirasaria: Building the Backbone of Your Business


Taniya Dhirasaria, a renowned figure known for her dynamic presence on Zoe 📺 Shark Tank India and an impressive academic background from IIM B, MICA, and NIFT, shares profound insights into the essential role of a core team in scaling a business. With professional stints at Myntra and Reliance Brands Limited, Taniya Dhirasaria has navigated the complexities of business growth and has gleaned invaluable lessons along the way.

Taniya Dhirasaria begins by emphasizing a fundamental truth that many entrepreneurs often overlook: the dream of building a substantial organization cannot be achieved alone. Despite having a 40-member team, Taniya Dhirasaria experienced firsthand how the lack of a strong core team can impact a business. When parental duties demanded significant attention from her and her partner Karan, the business suffered because the core team was limited to the two of them.

This realization prompted Taniya Dhirasaria to understand the critical importance of investing in a robust core team. A strong core team, she explains, defines the company’s DNA, ensuring that the organization thrives even in the absence of its founders. They are the driving force behind success, stepping up in leadership roles when necessary. Additionally, a well-established core team lays the groundwork for smooth transitions, ensuring the business’s sustainability and resilience in the face of challenges.

Taniya Dhirasaria’s journey highlights several key benefits of having a strong core team:

Defining Company DNA: A core team embodies the values, vision, and mission of the company. They are the torchbearers who maintain the company’s ethos and ensure continuity even when the founders are not present.
Driving Success: Core team members are the brains behind the operation. They take ownership, make critical decisions, and drive the company towards its goals. Their leadership is indispensable for the company’s growth.
Ensuring Smooth Transitions: A strong core team ensures that the business can weather transitions smoothly. Whether it’s a temporary absence of the founders or a significant change in leadership, a robust core team provides stability and continuity.
Building such a dream team, according to Taniya Dhirasaria, requires deliberate effort and strategic investment. Here are her tips for cultivating a powerful core team:

Seek Out Aligned Values: Find individuals who share your vision and embody your company’s spirit. It’s crucial to have team members who are not just skilled but also aligned with the company’s core values.
Invest in Growth: Empower your team with learning opportunities, challenging projects, and exposure to industry conferences. Continuous growth and development keep the team motivated and equipped to handle new challenges.
Trust Them: Give your core team ownership by letting them make decisions. Trust is a fundamental element that fosters a sense of responsibility and commitment among team members.
Open Communication: Keep your core team informed, valued, and invested in the company’s journey. Open communication channels ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards common goals.
Taniya Dhirasaria’s reflections on her entrepreneurial journey are a powerful reminder of the importance of a strong core team. Her experience underscores that while having a large team is beneficial, the real strength lies in the core team that drives the business forward. It’s not just about numbers but about having the right people in pivotal roles.

For Taniya Dhirasaria, the journey of building a successful business has been marked by both highs and lows. However, it is through these experiences that she has learned some of the most valuable lessons. She encourages fellow entrepreneurs to embrace these lessons and invest in building a strong core team. Doing so not only ensures business success but also provides the stability needed to navigate personal and professional challenges.

Taniya Dhirasaria’s journey as a co-founder and director at Bliss Lifesciences LLP offers profound insights into the importance of a core team in scaling a business. Her experiences highlight that the backbone of any successful organization lies in its core team. By seeking out aligned values, investing in growth, trusting team members, and maintaining open communication, entrepreneurs can build a robust core team that ensures sustainability and success. Taniya Dhirasaria’s story is a testament to the power of perseverance, resilience, and the collective strength of a dedicated core team.


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