Health MarTech: Enabling the Sector with Data Analytics and AI Advancements

technology in the health marketing

Experts discuss the different functions of technology in the health marketing world and what kind of responsibilities comes with the power of MarTech in the very sensitive health sector

Technology has transformed marketing in every possible way for every sector, and health is no different. Health MarTech is becoming an increasingly used tool for the growth of the category as data and AI become a key focus area for growth.

According to a report by McKinsey, “Healthcare providers that are ready to rethink their marketing approach to grow and maintain continuity of care—or work to gain back what’s been lost in recent years—have their work cut out for them. In our experience, healthcare providers that implemented changes focused on improving the consumer experience—including through marketing efforts—saw their revenue increase by up to 20 percent over five years, while costs to serve decreased by up to 30 percent.”

Ever since the pandemic, the consumers are taking it upon themselves to take care of their physical well-being and healthcare companies are leaving no stone unturned to tap into that market by reaching out to these consumers through the latest technologies. Today, we explore the different trends the healthcare industry needs to keep an eye out for in the world of Health MarTech.

MarTech solutions in healthcare

Ritu Mittal, Head of Marketing and Digital at Bayer, lists out technologies that are flourishing in the healthcare MarTech world. “One notable trend is the use of sharper targeting techniques through the utilization of data. Marketers are leveraging data analytics to gain deeper insights into consumer behaviour, preferences and demographics. This allows for more precise targeting, ensuring that marketing messages reach the right audience at the right time with more relevant and engaging content. Brands are employing storytelling techniques, interactive experiences, and personalized recommendations to capture consumers’ attention and build stronger connections.”

“Additionally, social listening is proving to be a powerful tool. By monitoring and analyzing social media conversations, feedback, and reviews, marketers can gain valuable insights that drive innovation and shape their marketing strategies,” said MIttal.

Speaking on two big trends of digital advertising and content marketing, Saibal Biswas, Head of Marketing, Partnerships and PR at MediBuddy says, “Digital advertising and social media have also played a crucial role in shifting the marketing technology landscape expanding the scope and audience reach of traditional marketing methods. These platforms are used by healthcare organisations to advertise their services and reach a broader set of audience. Such strategies enable accurate targeting and the evaluation of campaign success using indicators like impressions, clicks, and conversions.”

“Content marketing has emerged as a valuable strategy for healthcare organisations to establish thought leadership and build trust. Health blogs, whitepapers, videos and podcasts are used to educate patients, share expert insights, and showcase organisational expertise. By creating informative and engaging content, health brands position themselves as authoritative sources and nurture long-term relationships with their target audience,” said Biswas.

AI the new shiny thing in healthcare

Apart from SEO, personalization and the boom of social media marketing, AI also seems to be a huge possibility for the healthcare industry. Speaking on this, Ritu Mittal says, “Artificial intelligence (AI) is making significant strides in the health industry. It is being used to enhance various aspects, including diagnostics and the development of personalized solutions. AI algorithms can analyze health data, history, and symptoms to provide personalized recommendations and symptom assessments, making self-care more accessible to individuals. In terms of tech disruptions, advancements in wearable devices, telemedicine, and big data analytics are notable. These technologies have the potential to revolutionize healthcare, enabling more efficient preventive healthcare solutions.”

Shubham Singhal, CEO & Co-Founder, Dot Media says, “Ranging from AI health assistance all the way to early diagnosis and well researched drug creation, advanced technology across the globe is truly the onset of a new era in healthcare.

Although AI can be a powerful tool in marketing for healthcare, precautions are necessary, believes Saibal Biswas. “AI has become a widely discussed topic across industries, but when it comes to adopting new technologies, teams should exercise caution and take the time to observe and validate them before implementing them hastily. There are many areas, across healthcare delivery, healthcare analytics, clinical research, drug discovery, and personalised & precision medicine that would have numerous use cases for AI-based solutions. These however need to be done in close collaboration with Clinicians, clinical experts, and academia in the health sector.”

Cautious use of MarTech in healthcare a must

Ritu Mittal discusses what precautions are absolutely necessary when it comes to marketing healthcare. “First and foremost, adherence to regulatory guidance is essential. Secondly, marketers should ensure that their messaging is simple, clear, memorable, and delivered in a creative way that resonates with the target audience. Claims made about products should be supported by strong evidence and scientific research to avoid misleading consumers and promote responsible product use. Another crucial aspect is the conscious effort to educate the consumers through responsible content marketing. Marketers should prioritize offering valuable guidance, practical tips, and reliable resources that extend beyond mere product promotion. By fostering trust and providing meaningful information, marketers can empower consumers to make informed decisions about their health and wellness.”

Singhal from Dot Media believes in the power of MarTech for healthcare but advises towards following the law. “We need to be very careful of the ASCI guidelines especially in sensitive areas as much as health care is. Our recent campaigns for brands like PowerGummies, Kotex Sanitary Napkins, MediCover have proved to be particularly helpful for individuals across audience demographics, to the point where one of the creators has received a DM from their follower about how one campaign helped them save their father’s life. It is truly a great feeling to use a marketing tool to this end, but it also creates room for error, due diligence is a must.”

Mittal further adds, “The future of the consumer health MarTech industry is expected to revolve around personalized and innovative solutions driven by big data analytics. By harnessing the power of data, health martech companies will be able to understand individual needs based on factors such as diets, lifestyles, and health history. This will enable the development of highly targeted and tailored health solutions for individuals. Additionally, we can anticipate more partnerships between healthcare and technology companies to create user-friendly everyday health solutions.”


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