Thomas van Heusden: Upholding Excellence in Mentorship


Thomas van Heusden, a dedicated coach and mentor, recently made a bold decision to remove two students from his program and community. This decision wasn’t made lightly, but it underscored a critical lesson about maintaining quality and integrity in any mentorship program. Thomas van Heusden’s commitment to the success of his students and the values of his community serves as an inspiring example for all educators and mentors.

Thomas van Heusden understands that the success of his students directly reflects the success of his program, Business Belts. This belief forms the foundation of his approach to mentorship. Unlike many coaches who focus solely on acquiring new leads, Thomas van Heusden prioritizes the performance and growth of his students. He knows that a thriving community is built on the achievements of its members, not just on the numbers.

Before admitting new students into Business Belts, Thomas van Heusden poses two crucial questions: “Do you align with Business Belts values?” and “Can you give full commitment?” If the answers are affirmative, the mentorship begins immediately. This initial screening is designed to ensure that new members are not only serious about their personal development but also resonate with the core values of the community.

Despite this rigorous process, Thomas van Heusden encountered two students who failed to meet these expectations. Student A, driven by the desire to make quick money, ignored the coaches’ advice, missed 1-on-1 calls, and skipped group sessions. Frustrated by his lack of progress, he started complaining without reflecting on his own commitment. Student B, with some experience in e-commerce, needed guidance on team building and personal growth. However, he spent all his money in Dubai, leaving him financially incapable of investing in his business.

Rather than allowing these students to drain his energy and resources, Thomas van Heusden chose to refund them and wished them well. This decision, though tough, was necessary to uphold the integrity of Business Belts. Thomas van Heusden’s actions emphasize the importance of maintaining high standards and not compromising on the values that define his community.

Reflecting on this experience, Thomas van Heusden realized that the issue might have stemmed from the onboarding process. He tweaked his screening procedures to better assess potential students’ commitment and alignment with Business Belts values. The results were immediate and positive. In May, six students extended their mentorship by two months, a clear testament to the effectiveness of the revised process and the value they found in the program.

These extensions are significant for Thomas van Heusden. They represent more than just a continued relationship with the students; they are proof that his mentorship is impactful and valued. For Thomas van Heusden, this is one of the highest compliments a mentor can receive. It reinforces his belief that maintaining quality in a mentorship program not only attracts dedicated students but also fosters a community where everyone is committed to success.

Thomas van Heusden’s journey illustrates the necessity of making tough decisions to preserve the quality and reputation of a mentorship program. It’s a reminder that sometimes, letting go of certain individuals is essential for the greater good of the community. By doing so, Thomas van Heusden ensures that Business Belts remains a place where committed and aligned individuals can thrive.

For other mentors and educators, Thomas van Heusden’s experience offers valuable insights. It’s crucial to have a clear and stringent onboarding process to assess the commitment and values of potential students. This initial step can prevent future issues and ensure that the community remains strong and cohesive. Furthermore, mentors should not hesitate to make difficult decisions when necessary to uphold the integrity of their programs.

Thomas van Heusden’s dedication to his students and the principles of Business Belts sets a high standard for mentorship programs. His willingness to confront challenges head-on and make tough calls when needed highlights his commitment to excellence. By prioritizing the success and alignment of his students, Thomas van Heusden ensures that Business Belts continues to be a beacon of quality mentorship and personal growth. His story is a powerful reminder that maintaining high standards and staying true to one’s values are key to building a thriving and successful community.


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