Thuy N: Navigating Mid-Career Crisis and Redefining Success


Thuy N, the Chief Executive Officer at Jobtest, offers a unique perspective on overcoming mid-career crises, a challenge that many professionals face. His insights, derived from personal experience, provide valuable lessons for anyone grappling with career uncertainty. Thuy N’s journey exemplifies the importance of redefining success, fostering self-awareness, and embracing new experiences.

Thuy N begins by addressing a common question from fresh graduates: “I graduated with a degree in business administration; which career is right for me?” This question underscores a broader issue: the struggle to find a fulfilling career path. Thuy N observes that many experienced professionals, despite their qualifications, often display “OPEN TO WORK” statuses on their profiles for extended periods without securing suitable positions. The root cause, he suggests, is not necessarily a lack of skills but an unconscious mid-career crisis. Thuy N empathizes with these individuals, acknowledging that he once faced a similar predicament.

Reflecting on his own experience, Thuy N recounts how he encountered a mid-career crisis a decade ago. It took him four years to navigate through it and define his success. The first crucial lesson he shares is the need to redefine success. Initially, Thuy N’s goal was to become an HR Director with a substantial monthly salary. However, he realized that true fulfillment lay in a different path—founding Jobtest, a venture aimed at creating dream careers for young generations and enhancing enterprise workforces through high-tech applications. This shift in focus from monetary goals to impactful achievements was a significant turning point for Thuy N.

Understanding oneself is the second vital lesson that Thuy N emphasizes. During his period of introspection, he spent three months analyzing his core competencies. By taking aptitude and personality tests, Thuy N discovered that he was a fast-paced, risk-taking problem solver with entrepreneurial inclinations. This self-awareness bolstered his confidence in pursuing a career in HR business, ultimately inspiring him to start his own venture. Thuy N advocates for self-awareness, urging others to recognize and capitalize on their inherent strengths.

The final lesson from Thuy N’s journey is the importance of being open to new experiences. He conducted extensive research on the HR and HR tech industries, attended various international and local events, and networked with professionals and experts in the field. Initially reluctant to engage in networking activities, Thuy N transformed his approach, understanding the value of learning from others and staying updated with industry trends. His advice to be open to new experiences resonates with the idea that continuous learning and adaptability are crucial for long-term success.

Thuy N’s philosophy, “Life is beautiful rather than statable,” encapsulates his approach to overcoming career stagnation. Instead of settling for a static existence, he advocates for embracing the dynamic nature of life and career. His story is a testament to the power of resilience, self-discovery, and the willingness to explore uncharted territories.

For those experiencing a mid-career crisis, Thuy N’s journey offers a roadmap. Start by redefining what success means to you. It’s not merely about climbing the corporate ladder or earning a hefty salary; it’s about finding a path that aligns with your passions and values. Once you have a clear vision, take the time to understand your strengths and how they can be leveraged in your career. This self-awareness will serve as a foundation for your future endeavors.

Next, immerse yourself in continuous learning. The world is ever-changing, and staying relevant requires an openness to new ideas and experiences. Attend industry events, seek mentorship, and engage in networking opportunities. These activities will not only expand your knowledge but also open doors to new possibilities.

Thuy N’s experience with Jobtest illustrates the profound impact of aligning one’s career with personal strengths and passions. By doing so, he not only found his own success but also created opportunities for others. His journey from a secure job to a successful entrepreneur serves as an inspiration for those seeking to overcome their own career challenges.

Thuy N’s story is a powerful reminder that overcoming a mid-career crisis involves redefining success, fostering self-awareness, and embracing new experiences. His journey underscores the importance of resilience and adaptability in navigating career transitions. As Thuy N continues to lead Jobtest, his insights and experiences serve as a beacon of inspiration for professionals striving to find their true calling and achieve lasting success.


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