Tickets Available for In Person and Virtual Portfolio Night 2024 in India

Tickets Available for In Person and Virtual Portfolio Night 2024 in India

NEW YORK, September 4, 2024 — Young creatives in India looking to break into the industry or find a new job can now get tickets for The One Club for Creativity’s global Portfolio Night 2024, hosted once again in person and virtually by BBDO India, DDB Mudra Group, and TBWA\India.

Established in 2003, Portfolio Night has long been recognized as the world’s largest advertising portfolio review program.  This fast-paced evening of advice, networking and recruitment takes place in dozens of cities around the world on the same date to help the next generation of creative talent entering the industry.  

BBDO India, DDB Mudra Group, and TBWA\India will host a virtual Pan-India Portfolio Night on October 10, followed by an in-person version in Mumbai on October 11.

A complete list of all cities and hosts is here.  

The program is an important event in advertising because it serves as the gateway for young talent to enter the industry or find a new job, enabling the best of the present — hundreds of renowned international creative directors — to meet and mentor the leaders of the future in industry hubs around the world. 

Portfolio Night has also become a crucial tool for agencies in recruiting top young talent, providing a platform for recognition from local industry peers, and giving agencies a place on the global stage as the ad world tunes in to this one-of-a-kind event.

The program includes Portfolio Night All-Stars, a weeklong virtual program where each city host selects one young creative in their market with the best portfolio to participate. These lucky All-Stars will work in global teams on a brief from a major brand, and attend seminars and recruiting sessions.  At the end of the week, each team presents their pitch, with the winning Portfolio Night All-Stars flown to New York by The One Club for Creative Week 2025.

Branding for Portfolio Night 2024 was created by Nana Rausch at Quick Honey, based in New York and Berlin.

For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit Portfolio Night 2024.

The One Club for Creativity – home of The One Show, ADC Annual Awards, Art Directors Club of Europe (ADCE) awards, ONE Asia Awards, Type Directors Club and competition, TDC Ascenders, Young Guns, Young Ones Student Awards, Next Creative Leaders, ONE Screen Short Film Festival, and more – is the world’s foremost non-profit organization whose mission is to support and celebrate the global creative community.  Revenue generated from entries to its global awards shows goes back into the industry to fund programming under the organization’s four pillars: Education, Inclusion & Diversity, Gender Equality, and Creative Development.  


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