Tom Kindermans: Lessons from the Tennis Court to the Boardroom


Tom Kindermans, the Managing Director of Central and Eastern Europe at SAP, is no stranger to ambition and competition. His annual tennis matches with his son, Thomas, for the coveted Kindermans Cup have not only been a family tradition but also a source of profound insights applicable to his professional life. Tom Kindermans’ reflections on these matches provide valuable lessons on experience, motivation, focus, and preparation—key elements that drive success in both sports and business.

Tom Kindermans begins by challenging the conventional understanding of ambition. Often linked with career success, making numbers, and maximizing bonuses, ambition is much more nuanced for him. The annual Kindermans Cup, a fiercely contested tennis match between him and his son, has been a significant part of his life for nearly 20 years. This competition, while a fun family event, also serves as a metaphor for professional ambition and success.

Tom Kindermans shares that despite his son’s physical superiority, he has managed to secure the win every year, including the latest 2024 edition. He acknowledges that this dynamic will eventually change, but for now, his experience continues to trump his son’s physical advantages. This observation leads to the first lesson Tom Kindermans draws from these matches: nothing compensates for experience. In the business world, as on the tennis court, experience can make a significant difference in reaching goals. It provides a foundation of knowledge and insight that can guide decisions and strategies, often in ways that raw talent or energy cannot.

The second lesson from Tom Kindermans’ annual tennis matches is the importance of motivation, focus, drive, and preparation. Each year, he and his son approach the match with intense motivation and preparation, fully focused on winning. This mirrors the business environment where success is often determined by how well one prepares and stays motivated. Tom Kindermans emphasizes that these qualities make all the difference in achieving goals, whether it’s winning a tennis match or leading a team to meet its targets.

Reflecting on the upcoming 2025 Kindermans Cup, Tom Kindermans mentions that mental preparation starts immediately. This forward-thinking attitude is crucial in business as well. Anticipating future challenges and preparing for them well in advance can be the key to long-term success. For Tom Kindermans, the mental preparation for the next match symbolizes the continuous effort required to stay ahead in the competitive business world.

Tom Kindermans’ experiences with the Kindermans Cup offer a compelling analogy to his professional journey. The annual matches have taught him that experience, while often undervalued, is a critical asset. In a rapidly evolving business landscape, the ability to draw on past experiences to navigate new challenges is invaluable. Tom Kindermans’ victories on the tennis court serve as a reminder that seasoned professionals bring a wealth of knowledge and strategic insight that can be pivotal in achieving success.

Furthermore, Tom Kindermans’ emphasis on motivation and preparation highlights the importance of these attributes in leadership. Leading a region as diverse and dynamic as Central and Eastern Europe requires a relentless drive and meticulous preparation. Tom Kindermans understands that staying motivated and focused is essential not only for personal success but also for inspiring and guiding his team.

The lessons from Tom Kindermans’ tennis matches also underscore the importance of adaptability and resilience. Each year, he faces a stronger opponent in his son, yet his experience and preparation help him adapt and overcome the challenge. In business, the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and bounce back from setbacks is equally critical. Tom Kindermans’ story is a testament to the power of resilience and the continuous pursuit of excellence.

Tom Kindermans’ annual tennis matches with his son provide more than just a competitive family tradition. They offer profound insights into the qualities that drive success in both sports and business. Experience, motivation, focus, and preparation are fundamental to achieving goals, whether on the tennis court or in the corporate boardroom. Tom Kindermans’ reflections remind us that while physical prowess and raw talent are important, it is the combination of experience and mental fortitude that ultimately leads to sustained success. As he prepares for the 2025 Kindermans Cup, Tom Kindermans continues to embody these principles, setting an example for aspiring leaders and professionals everywhere.


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