Top services people searched for during Unlock 1.0 were Home Appliance Repair, Domestic Help & Job Training

Top services people searched for during Unlock 1.0 were Home Appliance Repair, Domestic Help & Job Training
Top services people searched for during Unlock 1.0 were Home Appliance Repair, Domestic Help & Job Training

New Delhi: A study undertaken by, India’s leading AI-driven tech platform for expert services has unveiled interesting trends and insights about the service categories that have seen an increase since Unlock 1.0 started in June.

This study is based on visits and searches by nearly 125,650 users across Indian cities that landed on Sulekha in June 2020 (June 1st – 30th).

Key findings of the study:

Satya Prabhakar, Founder & CEO, Sulekha, said, “Unlock 1.0 has influenced some interesting trends in demand for services. Since Unlock 1.0 has been announced, we have seen an increase in certain service categories such as Home Appliance Repair & Domestic Help. This is owing to the ease in restrictions by the government. Due to the current scenario regarding the re-opening of educational institutions, we have also witnessed an increase in online searches for service categories such as School tuitions and Distance education.”

Sulekha will share interesting insights on multiple Home, Office, and Education related services as a part of a regular Trend Tracker.

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