TV9 Network Debuts News9 Mediaverse

TV9 Network Debuts News9 Mediaverse

TV9 Mediaverse brings together News9 Plus along with News9 Live and

TV9 Network has announced the launch of News9 Mediaverse.

News9 Mediaverse brings together News9 Plus along with News9 Live and

Barun Das, MD and CEO, TV9 Network, said, “The world has undergone a complete metamorphosis. With the advent of the internet, digitization, mobile penetration, and now AI, it is a completely different world compared to the one we were born in. The world of entertainment media has changed. How could news remain the same? Which is where News9 Mediaverse comes in.”

“When you talk about any transition, the discerning English audience are always the early adopters. For this upwardly mobile segment, time is in really short supply. Naturally, they want content on their terms -whatever and whenever. This app is for ‘Genflix’ – a term we proudly coined to define the audience. We’ve finally converted news into content and advertisement into brand stories.” added Das.


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